Thursday, October 22, 2020

breaking camp for winter at our remote off-grid wilderness property


Anonymous said...

Hi John.Thanks for the links, I enjoy that type of content as well, will be checking them out. Btw, saw you've added another building on the property, always great to have enough storage space, congrats on your productive summer. With all the construction you've been up to, did you manage to get in any fishing trips? Take care, M.

Bushrat John said...

Hi M, glad you checked out this video, both Dave and his wife have their own channels as well. Brookes channel is "GIRL IN THE WOODS. I really needed a storage shed to clean out my shop so I can use it for what it is meant to. Unfortunately, I didn't get to fish to much but that will change. I do plan to do more ice fishing this Winter. Thanks for stopping by.

bigfoot said...

Interesting video....but they never mention the deer flies? I hear they can be pretty bad in the northern woods, maybe in Alaska too?

Bushrat John said...

Hey bigfoot, oh yeah, they have them, this is when the deerflies disappear. If you watch their previous videos, you will hear about them and see they are wearing headnets. None here in Alaska at least not where I live. We don't have deer in my neck of the woods.

Earth Girl said...

Ok, here is my take on the matter. Even tho things are not quite the way you want them to be and you are unsettled on the subject, things could be so much worse. You have a popular blog, half a dozen, or more, projects in the works, you enjoy things like a first snow, nature, good food. Look at all that you have done. Being a caretaker of Lodges sounds awesome. I have been to a few of those Lodges and I did not want to leave. I know guys, Vietnam Vets, in fact, a few years younger than you who don't do anything more exciting than wipe their arse then whine about the ply. You are so far ahead of the game and don't know it.

Having a partner can be good or a curse. One Thanksgiving I was listening to the radio and the announcer said "Be grateful for those who are in your life and for those who aren't". I loved that. There are worse things than being alone.

One more thing that was on my mind was the used vehicles you have bought. I take it that you have been able to work on them yourself. The skills you have are invaluable.

In some ways you remind me of my brother. The harder the life the happier he was. He is the most interesting person I ever met. Guys like you and he are irreplaceable on this old planet.

Bushrat John said...

Thanks for the input Earth Girl, That's a lot to think about. So, I will have to sit back with a cup of coffee and think about it. Thanks

bigfoot said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Earthgirl's comments.

Bushrat John said...

Thanks bigfoot

Anonymous said...

John is your email you have listed up to date ? Sent an email not sure if it went thru

Bushrat John said...

I don't know. Who is this?

Anonymous said...

It’s Bert asking about email address

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bert. It should work try again

Anonymous said...

John sent email from my account to your email address hope it comes thru .... Bert From Bama

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bert, It did

Earth Girl said...

I need to correct some bad info I gave back when I first began to post. I think I said that my mom's dad use to pour lye down their outhouse. Wrong. It was lime. I was out messing around today and came cross a half bag of lime and realized my error.

The septic pumper came and I got off lucky. It only cost me $475 and I am good for a few more years. There are two tanks, one for grey and one for black, The old wood slats covering the grey tank have disintegrated so I placed a wood pallet over it so no critter falls in until I can replace those slats. My toilet is ancient and leaks under the tank so I keep a bucket under it to catch the drips, and I think about what you said about your out house - nothing breaks.

I also watched the video you posted. I always learn something I didn't know, so thanks for the link.

Washkeeton said...

I have a friend that has property just down the road from theirs up in Fairbanks. I enjoy watching their posts. They were on the show Alone, together and then Brook did a second season.


Bushrat John said...

Hi Earth girl, that's ok, I knew what you meant. WOW! $475 seems like a lot of money, me? I just change holes, lol. Glad you liked the link, even at my age, I sometimes learn things as well.

Bushrat John said...

I like Brooke and Dave, they are lots of fun. Funny how they both enjoy the outdoors but, their personalities are so far apart. Might be why they get along.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John I know you are up on all this subject but just a bit of info for those interested ( Facebook or YouTube watch Off Grid with Doug and Stacey) I’ve tremendously enjoyed watching and learning a lot and they cover all subjects and answer questions. They sure let you know if you are cut out for the challenge ..... John sorry missed your Birthday .... Sending best Wishes and hope you had a cake :)

Bushrat John said...

Hi :} thanks for the birthday wishes. I know about Doug and stacy they have many videos on YouTube. I enjoyed their videos in the beginning but, when they got into using big machinery and getting a lot of electronics and electrical stuff, I lost interest. I've grown tired of any modern conveniences but, they a big following and they won't miss me, lol.

Anonymous said...

I was more interested in the gardening and canning and general ideas, not so much
the mechanical parts. It’s interesting Bert From Bama

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bert, they certainly do a lot of canning and gardening.