Anyway, Wednesday, I went to a local small Supermarket 30 miles away and bought a couple of New York strips and a Pumpkin pie. What a deal, 12" pie for $7.00.
Then, I went across the street to a local discount tool store and bought a 6" grinder for $59.00. Good deal
Afterwards, I went home and spent the evening splitting some wood and then, hanging out watching a couple of movies.
Woke up Thanksgiving morning about 7:45am and it was about +10 degrees, the Sun started rising about 12:40am.
Frost on the trees
Breakfast time
After breakfast, I needed to do something so, I decided to make a rack to carry lumber and plywood on top of my car. I modified the rack I had on my car. I took a dowel, cut it in 4 pieces and inserted them in the ends of my rack.
Then, I drilled holes through each end and pushed a bolt through each hole then, added nuts to keep them from falling out. The next step was to cut a 1"x4" in 2 pieces and drill holes on each end to fit over the bolts.
The idea is to lay lumber, plywood or both on the rack, put the 2 pieces of 1"x4" over whatever add the wingnuts, tighten and were good to go. Hope to soon try it out.
Anyway, I bought a couple of New York Strips and planned on having one for Thanksgiving dinner. Well, I forgot to take them out of the freezer for dinner. So, I ended up having 3 slices of Pumpkin Pie for dinner. Well, that was it for me on Thanksgiving. Next year may be different. Take care
Now, I have never been much of a morning person, but that business about the sun not coming up til noon time would do me in. I just would not make it up there. Bad enough around here with sunrise at 7:00am and sun set at 4:00pm I do like the roof rack clamp system.
Hi Mike, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Yeah, the long days in the Summer and long Winter nights take some getting use to, lol. I think the rack will work well.
I like that roof rack as well. Neat idea. Just think in less than a month the days will get longer and we can start planning our gardens again. Yipee!!! I do need some snow though, so my well doesn't start sucking the bottom dirt and start drying up.
Hi John....You have such a kind heart to donate a turkey dinner to a family for Thanksgiving. Good deal on the grinder. A grinder is a must around home. Your are one smart cookie to come up with that idea for a roof rack for lumber. I hope it works good for you. Sorry you missed your New York strips from the freezer. I'm sure they will be good another day. That pumpkin pie looks good and yes I ate to much pie the other day
Thanks Wash, I hope it works for me. We got some snow last night.
Hi Carol, Giving a Turkey dinner away is something I started a couple of years ago. It does make a person feel good. A grinder comes in handy. You and me both hopes the rack works. The pie is good. This weekend is steak time.
Hey John,
like the "car rack".. typical Alaskan ingenuity.. Too bad you can't take a chain saw to those spruce trees on the south side, then you could get some sunrise as early as 10:00 like I do.. 3 more weeks and the days will get longer again. How was the pumpkin pie? I grew 3 big pumpkins this year, decided to make a pie from scratch. Turned out Great. I grew the pumpkins out of an old tire filled with 50-50 dirt and compost.. keep warm. Old John
Hi John, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Are ya back from vacation? The pie is yummy, got more too. The dark doesn't affect me that much. Gives me a reason to not work all day, lol
Yeh, we made it back from the lesser 48 in one piece. Had a great time with the Grand kids, Lost a couple $$ to them at the family poker table.. Didn't care for the crowds tho... Food was fantastic. And I put a big dent in the Engineers liquor locker. Now that we got some snow waiting for river reports to say there is safe travel now.. stay Warm Old John
Hey John, feels good to be back, eh? I want to see more snow and colder temps. Need to get on the trail to fun times.
Hi! A very good idea to carry lumber and plywood! Do I gather there is a remodeling or building project in the near future?! It was very nice of you to donate a Thanksgiving meal, and as far as yourself having pumpkin pie, that's the best part of the meal anyway! Hope you are getting some snow and starting to whistle a Christmas carol or two! KC
Hi KC, thanks. Yes, the pie was good, even for store bought. A project, Hmmm! You never know, lol. Actually, we got about 4" yesterday and it's snowing heavy this morning.
Hiya John looks like you've been busy.Neat looking rack on sure it will come in quite handy for hauling "Stuff" as most women would say lol.Sounds like you had a bountiful Thanksgiving and I had forgotten you had done this last year.Really a most heart warming gesture that a family would be thankful and so proud to get.Gosh hadn't realized its been a year sinse or more sinse ive been following your blog.I remember you posting you did that last year for ole grey mare aint whut she used ta be lol ...I guess at sometimes in our life we think harder and remember shorter or something like that lol ...Still snowing there?Its turned summer time again here..gosh just want one or the other winter or summer.Got Christmas tree up and think the spirit has hit.That pie sure looked good and im sure washing it down with a cup of java was tasty.Well did ya finally eat those steaks?.yum my favorite food.Send some snow my way would love to have a white Christmas.Well take care my friend...and ive given up on traveling food thru UPS lol ...Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, thanks for the kind words. I get a kick out of helping those who are struggling. Wish I could help them all. I'm really glad you hung around, your humor is good medicine. I always know, you will say the right thing. It's still snowing as I type. It's beautiful. I would send you some snow but, you know how those damn UPS people are, lol. I'm starting to get in the Spirit.
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