Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's a boring, blah day

  What's going on? I woke up this morning to +30 and rain. We are almost into December and it feels more like Fall. Couldn't figure out what to do, so, a post seemed appropriate. Glad I don't have to go to the library, I checked my road and it is all iced up, not a good day for travel.

   I started my day off with a decent breakfast. Scrambled Powdered Eggs and Sausage and of course coffee.

Then, it hit me, this is a good day to stay inside and do a post. This was breakfast yesterday, good ole pancakes.

That wasn't all I had yesterday. I got the idea that I needed more shelving in the kitchen area, so I decided to remodel again. I know what you are thinking, not again, lol. Here is the old kitchen look.


and this

Now it's this

I extended the counter

I'm beginning to believe, it wasn't that I didn't have enough space, I have to much food, if that is a bad thing, lol. A friend of mine says he is worried about me, that, I have become a compulsive remodeler. I wonder, could he be right? Or, is it because, I have been on the road system to long? This is what it looks like today.

and it's raining pretty hard. Anyway, I was going to stack all my wood, but, that will have to wait. I'm glad I split enough to get me through today and tomorrow. Not fun splitting in the rain. There will be another post either this afternoon or tomorrow, a special one. Check in. Take care


Evano said...

Change is what makes life interesting John.
looks great too!
-9 C and snowing hard in Ontario.

Bushrat John said...

Thanks Evano, good to see ya back. Change is good, that's why I'm wishing for a weather change. Hope you're enjoying the snow.

Debi said...

I'm behind the times, so just catching up. looks GREAT, John! too much food...never. :) I've been watching coverage of folks caught in the massive snow in Buffalo, NY. what amazed me is they live in snow country, yet so many interviewed stated they ran out of food in two days. wow...kind of just boggled my mind. or maybe I'm just a hoarder. haha! love the new kitchen! Debi

Bushrat John said...

Thanks Debbie, I agree, Upstate New York is a small version of Alaska, you wou l d think they would be use to this and more prepared.

Carol said...

Hi, John, Nothing wrong with remodeling. We all need a kitchen that works for us. Looks great! I love the new photo you added of you with the four wheeler. That is a very nice photo! I hope you get some snow soon. We have had some but then it warms up and melts it away.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Carol, thanks. Sometimes I forget to change the photos, they get old at times. The weather here is the same.

becky3086 said...

Seems funny that you are warmer than other parts of the country. Winter came in with a bang here, freezing temps in Nov. something we never have here but it luckily won't last.
Life has been kind of blah for me too, not sure how to change that yet.

Bushrat John said...

It's crazy, Buffalo gets 7' of snow and nothing here, go figure. If I find the remedy for the blahs, I'll let you know. 8-)