At first light, went out and checked the temperature again, I couldn't believe it
In case you are wondering, yes, those are raindrops on the thermometer, it must have rained during the night sometime as the ground was wet this morning.
Except for this picture, this is the only indication that Winter may be here.
Otherwise, you would think it's early Fall by these morning photos.
OK you lower 48'ers, we demand our Winter back, lol.
This is nuts, here we are approaching mid November and no snow. This poses a problem for people who live remote traveling out and back to their cabins. No snow for snowmachines or dogsleds and even if some of the lakes are frozen or partially frozen, planes can't land or take off on them. Which is why living remote, you have to make sure you had gotten enough supplies to last at least 6 months.
So, here I am writing as I sit at my table looking out at the blue sky with the sun shining bright and beautiful clouds passing by. It is kind of kool. Watching Youtube is a whole lot better than using my phone.
By the way, last week I forgot to mention that a friend had given me a snowmachine along with a cover and brand new windshield that isn't running and another friend used her trailer to take it to my cabin. They both are people who follow my Blog so, I'm not sure I can give their names out because, I didn't ask for permission. I want to thank them immensely, it is a very kind gesture.

So, that's it pretty much for the time being. Take care
Winter will be there soon enough, no need to rush it. In the meantime you can do a bit or wrenching on the snow machine and get it ready for winter.
Hi Michael, not soon enough for me. Hope to get it running.
John, you sure have been busy! Isn't it great to be able to use your computer at home rather than drive to the library!
(Been there done that!,) Now you can look up schematic drawings and parts list for your snow machine while you are working on it!! The weather is just not like it use to be, it was 74 here today should be in the 30's. Have a peaceful day this Veteran's Day and Thank You. KC
Hi John, Yes without snow it must be hard for the remote villages to get in supplies.
Here today it was 9C. Rather warm for November.
Nice of your friends to give you that snowmachine. It will be great when you get snow but until then you will have something to tinker with too. Great friends indeed!
Thanks KC, I wish you a good Veterans day as well. It is nice to have the Internet at hand.
Thanks Carol, I really don't care for this warm weather, it is a burden for me but, it is what it is. I pretty much have it figured out, I have a friend helping me with it.
I will GLADLY give you back your Winter, John!! Got down to 20* last night and now tonight it is to be 13*! We're not to get above freezing for at least 48 hours, either!!! Just too cold for November for my area! Hope you get cold and snow soon. Great pics, too.
Yay, on the snow machine!! And for good friends, too. So glad you are able to stay at home and sit and drink coffee while on the computer...great, isn't it?!
Happy Veteran's Day and thank you for your service! Blessings!
Hi Cotton, Thanks, as I write this, it is 8:10 pm and 40 degrees. This weather here is crazy.
I don't mind if you use my name. I still like that ramp. LOL Ive been home for the past week or so. Decided to see if I bounced on concrete. I dont. Im getting around slowly. Life is good.
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