A neighbor lady heard I had spent Thanksgiving alone and on Friday brought me a Thanksgiving dinner.
It tasted pretty good and I still haven't gotton to my steaks. LOL
One night, I was checking my 6 stations on TV and on PBS my favorite program appeared. Celtic Woman.
I could listen to these gals for hours. I know what you're thinking. Where's the remodel job? LOL, it's next. That full size propane stove I got for $25, just seemed to big for the cabin and I sold it for $125. I replaced it with a 2 burner Coleman propane camp stove and it works very well. I plan on buying a Coleman camp oven to use for baking and whatever. I can also bake stuff in the woodstove as well.
I really believe this setup will be more efficient and takes up less room. Ok, then, BAM! Got hit with our first substantial snowfall, I was so happy. It was beautiful coming down, big flakes and lots of it.
This was the first night.
The next morning
Yep, it's shoveling time and with the extended yard, it took me a lot longer to shovel.
Figured I may as well do some wood splitting.
Got a stubborn one
Couple of rounds gave me a hard time but, I won
All done, enough work
This morning
Tonight's dinner, moose burger and fresh vegetables
Well, that's pretty much for now. I can see more work coming soon. Take care
I see a dog house, but where is the dog?
He's under the snow Mike, lol. I haven't gotten my team yet, working on it.
Hi John.... I never seen anybody so happy to see snow as you hahahaha!! Shoveling is a pain, but, in the last 2 years I have my driveway plowed and I shovel all the decks and walks!! ugh!!!
Chopping wood is not an easy job. Been there and done with that a year ago when my insurance company wouldn't let me burn wood anymore, because the wood and oil furnace flues where in the same chimney!
I do have a propane gas range cooking stove and a stove that looks like a Franklin wood stove that is propane gas, so do have a little back up when no power which thank goodness doesn't happen often!!
Well looks like your getting some good entertainment, there on the TV lol!!
Take care!
Hi grammie, Winter for me is a blessing, Summers to hot, hard to travel to many remote places, mosquitoes, I can mention tons of reasons. I don't mind shoveling or splitting wood. Just happy I still can at 67.
Hi John...Glad you got some snow. Ours keeps melting away here. You have a nice neighbor to bring you turkey dinner and it looks good. As for the moose burger I have never tasted moose before but it looks good. No better exercise than chopping wood but I have to say I am a dangerous woman with an axe...lol. Thanks for the great photos and keep an eye on your greenhouse we had a lot cave in with the weight of the snow last winter. Happy shoveling John!
Hi Carol, it was nice of her to think about me. I just enjoy the snow and splitting the firewood. Everytime it snows I clear it of snow. I would have put it away but, I have to use it for storage for the time being.
Hiya John the kitchen is looking neater each time you show it.The stove does give you more room and every little space makes a difference.i do some baking in the microwave easy good recipes..love apples with cinnamom sugar and butter cooked in microvace.Good over biscuits also.Chopping wood looks like mighty hard work..never chopped it but have gathered it after being cut to stack on truck..that was hard and tiring.Was carrying an armload got my boot wound in a vine and rolled down a hill lol that wood was called many different names lol...of course I did the woman thing and cried but got right back up and finished the job.The snow looks so beautiful sure makes things look serine and peaceful.It was nice of a neighbor to think of you..see all good deeds from the heart come with rewards..The moose burger ..hummm still thinking about that lol ..maybe somothered in gravy with onions I could eat it...I love deer meat if its been dressed right so it doesn't have the wild taste.And as for you being 67 just wait until you get my age just turned 71 day after thanksgiving.Im now officially counting backwards now lol...I think as long as you stay active its good for you.Well my friend stay safe and well..Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, thanks. Hell, you aren't that far ahead of me. I find myself being busy more in Winter than any other time. That had to be a trip watching you roll down the hill. My problem is falling roofs, usually. I still like baking the old fashion way. Take care
Hey John
Getting any snow up there ? Got some extra down here if you need/want some...!
We truly enjoy watching those Celtic girls on PBS.. Seems like every time PBS has a money drive they put on the Celtic Women... Did you know they are appearing (or have appeared) in Anchorage this season??? You could probably find out the date if you googled Celtic Women. That was pretty nice of your neighbor lady to bring you a Thanksgiving plate. I'd offer you some our left over bird and stuffing, but we left it all behind in Colo... Been thinking about buying a bird from one of these Valley girls that grow Chickens, Turkeys, geese and etc... Stay Warm, and keep that snow shovel handy... Old John
Hi John, thanks, but, I have enough snow of my own. I spent about 3 hrs. Shoveling. Celtic Woman are appearing Dec. 6th. I still have a lot of work left to do.
Hi! John, glad to see you are in your element with the snow! It is beautiful coming down and resting on the trees!
PBS is a great channel on the TV, a lot of enjoyable and interesting programs. The moose burger looks really good, never had any, but had buffalo burger a couple times, it was very good. Well take care and enjoy the snow! KC
Hi KC, thanks, I am enjoying the snow and colder weather. I enjoy PBS as well. I've had Buffalo before and enjoyed it as well. Take care yourself.
Hi John. I'm taking a little time to catch up with you. I moved to IL on November 1. I am actually really enjoying the milder weather. It only snowed once so far and that is mostly gone. I have a bird feeder now and get mostly goldfinches but have seen a house finch and a bluejay too. The wildlife here is amazing with a variety of squirrels, white tail deer (Tim got one on Friday!), quail, pheasant, etc. Guess that's enough rambling.
I was glad to read that you found yourself again desiring to stay in AK. Will you be heading to your remote cabin soon?
Hi Carol, great to hear from you. Illinois, eh? City or country? I enjoy watching my birds. You should check out Grammies Ramblings for bird photos. WOW! Sounds nice with all the wildlife. I will be heading to my remote cabin as soon as I get a good river report. Welcome back.
I'm in the country living on 230 beautiful acres at a camp where my husband works.
Nice, sounds like you are in a good place. I hope you guys find happiness there.
so, John, are you shoveled out of your snow yet? I hope you didn't delete your post for a companion due to any comment I made. I sincerely apologize for any comment I made that seemed hurtful. Debi
Hi Debbie, I do have the snow under control. Noooo! No need to apologize for anything, besides, I have cast iron feelings, lol. Actually, I deleted it because, it just didn't look or sound right. I'm working on a new one.
hi again John. this will be too many questions, but here I go...
how do you prepare for food for long term, or do you live close to a grocery store? what about long term storms? food for a month? longer?
how exactly do you handle water needs? can you shower/bathe? how often?
how do you determine water needs per jug?
take care sweetness. :)
thanks for answers.
Well, as far as food, there is a small Supermarket, 20 miles to the North and 40 miles to the South of the town cabin. For the remote cabin, usually, a 6-8 month of supplies is freighted out to the cabin and depends on one or more needs. I have unlimited water supply at my remote cabin as well as my town cabin. I can shower/bathe as often as I want. I don't need to determine water needs, it's always available.
when shopping long term, what kind of supplies do you buy? I'm interested for my own winter storage. (without a lot of bulk, which I assume you like, too) thanks, John. I'm just curious about where and how you live. :)
Hi Deb, wait until this weekend and I will do a post on supplying a remote cabin.
The Celtic Women are fine but what about the two young women in the boat?
The Celtic Women are fine but what about the two young women in the boat?
Hi Art, oh yeah, one of the perks of the job. Take the housekeepers for rides, fishing and to the Village. Definately a perk, lol
Hiya John hope all is going well.Been busy here getting ready for Christmas ...all done just 2 applesause cakes to make and then im thru..Phew..talk about hussle n bussle lol ...Weather here has been dreary not helping to put me in a Christmas mood...but I guess it will hit before Santa arrives..Have you seen him (wink) lol ...im sure you will see him before anyone else does.Not much going on the blog I guess everyone is busy this time of year.I sure hope you spend Christmas with some friends and enjoy the fellowship of Christmas.Im sure your on Santas nice list??lol Well just stoping by to check on you and making sure your ok...Take care my friend and will catch cha later...your friend Bert from Bama
Just found your blog this am - very interesting for me because I have TOTALLY the opposite way of life in a very overcrowded part of SE England. I always wonder how you guys in Alaska / N Canada get through your winters! Beautiful part of the world though.
Hi Bert, good to hear from you. I bet it's smelling pretty Christmasy around your home. It looks like another Christmas alone. It's ok, I am use to it. No big plans yet, I think I can smell those Apple Sauce cakes from here, lol.
Hi Rach, I'm pleased you found my blog and Welcome. A person has to love Winter to enjoy it, especially in Alaska. The nights are very long and can make some people crazy, I mean literally. I just don't think about it. Hope you check back now and then. Maybe I will do a post on that subject for you.
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