Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day 11/11/2020


"Honor to the Soldier, and Sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves, as he best can, the same cause —honor to him, only less than to him, who braves, for the common good, the storms of heaven and the storms of battle."—Abraham Lincoln

Please, remember to thank a Veteran and Active Duty Military when you see them and not just on military holidays. They will always feel good when you say "Thank you for your service"

Enjoy this holiday for it is the Veterans and Active Duty Military that has made it possible. Thanks.


Washkeeton said...

Thank You for your service....


Bushrat John said...

Thanks Wash

bigfoot said...

Thank you, Sir, for your service.

Bushrat John said...

Thank you bigfoot

518nymammaof2 said...

Thank you for your service!

Bushrat John said...

Thank you 518nymammaof2

Anonymous said...

Hiya John just wanted to tell you thank you for your service ....... Bert From Bama

Bushrat John said...

Thank you Bert, I appreciate it.

jpark22 said...

Thank you John for your service, my husband (of 53 years) Navy Seabee who served in Vietnam in 1967-68 and other veterans and active duty military!
Pat, Central Texas

Bushrat John said...

Thank you so much Pat. Welcome home to your husband.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, John. Your service is not forgotten.

Bushrat John said...

Thank you M, I appreciate you remembering.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John just wanted stop by and wish you a “ Happy Blessed Thanksgiving “ hope all is well. Take care my friend... Bert From Bama

Bushrat John said...

Hi bert, a "Happy Thanksgiving" to you as well and you family.