Thursday, January 14, 2021

Part of my day

The Sun finally came out and it warmed up some so, I decided to get out and take care of some chores. First thing is have breakfast.

                                   Time for a temperature check
                                        Time to burn trash. A friend says I look like I'm homeless trying to stay warm, lol.
            Cans, glass, batteries and so on go to the dump recyclables
   Finally shoveled my snowmachine out and took the cover and hung it up in my shower to dry.

                                            Time to split wood
                                   I still have a lot of snow left.

Here's my other snowmachine, LOL. I really have to make sure they are out and ready to go.
Cleaning my solar panels. I use a 30 ft. roof rake with an old towel so, I won't scratch the panels.
                                       Just a look from out front
That's about it for now, I am going to get out more and do some stuff that is more fun. I am also learning Tai Chi, I am learning online but, I may take an actual course. I have been doing a few moves and it really relaxes me or gives me the feeling of relaxation. Well, that's it for now, Take care


bigfoot said...

Thanks for the update... that's a helluva lot of snow!!!

Passport said...

What a great update! Looks beautiful up there. How long will all that wood last?

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bigfoot, yeah, that's quite a bit, I'm hoping it doesn't get much more.

Bushrat John said...

Hi passport, it is beautiful and the stars at night are just as beautiful. It all depends on the temperature. If it falls below 0 to many times about a month. If it stays above a month or two.

Anonymous said...

Morning, John. Beautiful scenery and pics. I could use one of those 30 foot snow rakes myself, didn't even know they made them that large. Hope your backs holding out with all the shoveling you're probably doing. If I ever do manage to leave suburbia and move someplace more rural, i'm looking forward to acquiring a snow machine of my own. If you don't mind me asking, how maintenance heavy is a snow machine, one of those things always requiring attention or like a car that pretty much is always good to go whenever you turn the key? Keep warm, M.

Bushrat John said...

Hi M, a snowmachine requires maintenance regularly and it all depends on the type of machine you get. If you buy an older machine, you might have to add oil to the gas or a newer one might be fuel injected. You have to pay attention to the belt if it's an older machine and a newer machine if you ride it along and how you ride it. The best thing I can tell you is, read the manual and ask questions from whoever you buy from,these machines are all different and have there querks. It would take me hours to explain everything, the best thing is like any vehicle, buy new. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Thanks John, lol. I read your explanation and I realized that my question was far too vague. But thank you. You're right, questions like that need pages to answer . It's like when you try to teach someone that..Yes there is a reason for spending a little more on a Stihl chainsaw as opposed to that 99.99 dollar one on sale at H.D. I'm good with motorcycles, i'm willing to bet that snow machines aren't much more difficult. I actually prefer carbuerated over fuel injected engines. As an owner, you have more control if it all goes south. Take care, M.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful snow. You are living the dream of so many people. I used to burn our garbage. Fun times when I would forget to take an old hairspray can out first! Breakfast looks good and pretty plate to boot! Love that snowmachine! In Michigan, there are some groomed trails where there are small gas stations and diners along the way. Is there anything like that up there? I like the fresh snow better, but the trails are fun too.
Take care and thanks for the blog post.

Billy Portwood said...

Cool post John, we has a week long cold front in south texas and we were whining down here. I don’t miss the extreme cold of Alaska, but I miss the country and people. 2 years in Valdez got me tired of shoveling snow.

Billy Jack

Evano said...

Looks beautiful John.
Gotta keep moving, even in the cold!
Inspirational to all of us.
Thanks for the post


Bushrat John said...

Hi Billy Jack, the cold can get a grip on ya but, I am use to it but, as I get older, I stay in more.

Bushrat John said...

Hey Evano, that's the key, dress warm and keep moving, that's what I do, sometimes, lol. Take care.

518nymammaof2 said...

That snow is really hanging on! Love your snowmobile! They're so much fun to ride.

Bushrat John said...

Hi 518, it is hanging on and I'm sure we will get more. I like my new snowmachine, it's the first new one I ever bought. It is very comfortable. I do like riding snowmachines.