Sunday, June 30, 2019

Finally a companion

Yep, you heard right. After all this time searching for a companion to share my life and lifestyle, Bruce came into my life. He's very good looking, listens to me and is always attentive. HUH? What's that you ask? Is John going for guys now? The answer is yes, I've waited for a woman way to long. I met this guy today and we hit it off immediately.  His Name is Bruce and I am introducing him to all of you. I hope you support me in my decision and life change. Without further adieu,  this is Bruce.

Isn't Bruce handsome? Here he is eating Vanilla ice cream 
I found him on Craigslist, I traveled about 55 miles one way. On the way home, we stopped at Miller's in Houston to get ice cream and then we stopped at Kashwitna Lake so he could exercise some and when we got home, I took him to The Barking Lot in my subdivision to get the works, shampoo, groomed and nails clipped. He's a new K-9. His breed is Karilian Bear dog. He's 6 years old. Well, I hope you are entertained with post, LOL. Take care 


C said...

John.....WONDERFUL!!!!! So happy for both you and Bruce.....I believe that this is a great move for you (and Bruce as well). A dog can bring such joy to your life with the smallest of things and has the tendency to help us see the world in a simpler yet broader way. I have had dogs my entire life and relish the fact of living in the moment that I think is easily forgotten sometimes. I am grinning from ear to ear here for you and Bruce and cannot wait to hear of the adventures you two boys get into next! Enjoy......

Debi said...

I think Bruce is a beautiful boy! I adore dogs and prefer them over most people, so enjoy your new best companion. I'll never tire of seeing photos of him. :) Debi

Carol R said...

What a great idea getting a furry companion. I bet you two will become best of pals.

Anonymous said...

Hey John
Good looking dog. I've heard good things about that breed. There was a retired chief corpsman up by Tok that raised them. I really miss my old Alsation, Chewy. But, I decided to not rep[lace her, just too damned difficult when they pass on. Of course the lady in charge of laundry and morale keeps saying I should get one more as it would probably out last me ...

Is the Swan Lake fire shoving any smoke up your way. It was terrible down in this part of the valley, till late yesterday when we got a little wind that cleared it up at our place. But it is packed in on the lower valley so thick I can't see the Mountains behind us..

stay cool

Old John

Bushrat John said...

Hi Chris, thanks. He is a great partner and I plan to do a whole post on Bruce.

Bushrat John said...

Thanks Debi, he will be good for me and him. More about Bruce to come.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Carol R, we are best of pals already.

Bushrat John said...

Hey John, I didn't think I could get another buddy after Kayak but, somehow it seemed right and I think I made the right decision. Maybe you should listen to the Master Chief of laundry and morale, she could be right. No smoke here but, it was in Houston. Keep a bent pole.

Art said...

Bruce looks like a great guy. What does he think of you?

Bushrat John said...

Hi Art, he took to me right away and acts like he's always been her

518nymammaof2 said...

What a gorgeous pup! I've never heard of that breed before. Hope you two are very happy and have many adventures together!

Bushrat John said...

Hi 518ny, he is a very handson buddy. We are happy and plan to do a lot together.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add my congratulations along with the others. Fantastic idea. I wasn't familiar with the breed and looked them up, very interesting dogs. If I get another dog ( mine passed over 10 years ago), I will do the same thing, adopt an older one. I'm going to pass on those first several years of puppy mania. lol Good luck with him! M.

CottonLady said...

Ah, John, congratulations on your new companion!! He’s quite handsome and I know you’ll have many good times together!

Blessings to you both!

Bushrat John said...

Hi M, lol, that was my exact feeling, at 71, I don't think I could go through the puppy phase. I'm really happy with this breed. I will soon be doing a post on Bruce.

Bushrat John said...

High cotton, really good to hear from you. We do enjoy our time together.

bigfoot said...

Congratulations. Man's best friend!

Bushrat John said...

Yes, Mans best friend, long beautiful hair, sparkling eyes, tall, slender, OOPS! You were talking about Bruce, eh? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John glad to see you have a trusty companion now. It’s good to have a fur friend they become family fast. Hope your summer has been a good one. Weather here down south has been brutal & humid. I’m looking for my favorite season Fall. Haven’t kept up with you for awhile been down with back issues and feeling better now. Hope all is well with you. Take care Bert From Bama

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bert, how great to hear from you, I have wondered if you were doing good. I had a few things going on as well but, Bruce is helping me along. I'm glad you are doing well. The temps. here are well out of control. High 80's-90's. Today got to 95. Hope you stick around.