But then, the inevitable happened last Saturday morning, I woke up to this
I suppose you can imagine my reaction, words not necessary,lol. I couldn't believe my eyes. Thought I was in the Twilight Zone. But, this is Alaska where the unusual is constant. Fortunately, it warmed up and was pretty much gone by the next day. It didn't help the drying up process. I was soon back to this
Anyway, I decided I needed a good breakfast to cheer me up, Ham, Sweet peppers and onions sauteed in butter
Add eggs
and breakfast is served, Mmmmmm! Good
This week started out fine and the reports are calling for more rain so, seeing as yesterday was a beautiful day, +68 degrees and sunny, I got motivated and painted the exterior of my town cabin.
This is the first coat, I hope to get the deck, door and trim painted this afternoon. I think it will look nice once it is finished. Then, I will start yard cleanup, a newly painted place looks terrible when there is all kinds of stuff laying around. The ground is still pretty wet in places. I hope to get it dried up some so, I can have gravel hauled in and spread around to get better drainage and more even ground.
Sorry for not posting sooner, with all the rain we had, there was nothing to photograph. I am making progress. A friend flew over my remote property and said there is quite a bit of snow on it and my lake isn't open yet. Sheesh, I really wanted to get started up there. Hopefully, it will get so hot, everything will melt.
Hope everyone is doing good, take care.
Wow John.... you get a special pricing on that paint? Add some white trim and it will look like a million $$$. That snow and cold temps kinda caught me by surprise too. I lost some lettuce and cucumbers. The lake at my place is never Ice free until the 1st week in June, and as chilly as this year has been it may be late June. I know your probably chomping at the bit to get out there and get started.. I'm hoping the River Ice goes out before this weekend so I can go look at my place. See what the bears been chewing on this spring..
Hey John, I bought it at Home Depot $25.00 a gal. White is to stands out to much. I was hoping the water around Deshka would be open, got a friend who wants to launch from my place to fish.
Oh wow, that looks great. I never would have guessed you'd choose bright red for a house color.
Hi na na, it's not really bright, it's barn red. The camera makes it loom brighter. It will look good once I'm done. Never be surprised at what I do, lol. I am unpredictable.
Hi John the town house is starting to look good I too like the barn red paint.It does need a womans touch to dress it up lol...but im sure you like it just the way it is.By the way the breakfast looked good..Wow did that post say something about bears...ugh they are friendly aren't they lol...take care John...Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, no nothing about bears. I like the color but, need to tone it down a bit. Well now Bert, everyone knows I've been trying to find a woman to give the cabins a womans touch. If I wait any longer, I won't get any work done, lol. All bears are friendly ( wink, wink).
I dont know about there but here it is 72 in the shade. Son and I have been putting up a temporary pallet fence for the pigs we will be picking up on Monday. Got the 15 chicks outside sunning themselves and put all the cats out along with one of the dogs. House is quiet. Enjoying this.
Love what you have done to your place. Cant wait to see what you do with your dog lot. Are you going to build your houses or buy them all ready built? I have something like 10 of them here still. None in very good shape. Need to repair the bottom on one and the roofs on the rest that are not in use. That way I could reset up a dog lot if I needed to at any time. I still have all the harnesses, chains, posts set, drop chains, dog boxes, etc all ready up and ready to go.
I really like the red paint. What a big difference it makes! Love your flower arrangement too.
Hi Becky, thanks. Nice to see you back blogging again. Look forward to reading them.
Hi John,
Nice painting job. I like the color. I too was pleasantly surprised with your color choice. It will look especially nice when it is all done.
Where is your "town cabin" again? I was driving the highway to Denali National Park this week and saw a lot of similar cabins that made me wonder if I was passing yours along the way...
I hope you can go to your remote property soon. Today was an especially nice day.
Hi Carol, thanks, to tell the truth I think it may be to bright. I don't want to be specific. You did go my cabin, I am just a few miles North of Willow. I should get to my remote cabin June for sure.
Too bad - if I'd have realized, we could have stopped by to say hi! I'm sure the 8 of us would have made your cabin feel really cozy! :) Heck we could have watched you paint! :) Hope you are having a good weekend...
Hey carol, all of you would have been welcomed. I had plenty of paint brushes, lol. Working on the cabin today. Hope you all have a good day, john
Hiya John hope your Memorial Day was a good one."God bless our soldiers"..Well are you still painting?Did you decide to tone it down?Its for sure the red would definatly show up well in the snow and be easy to find :) Havent done much here its too hot gosh I hate to see what july and aug temps will be,it was 86 in Alabama today.We do 2 things in Alabama we have hot weather and tornados.I live in what is called tornado alley.Its been very close to me on 3 occasions.I would welcome the weather in Alaska..umm never heard you say anything bout avalanches but did hear mention of bears lol..I guess enough coronas would definitely make you not worry about either one lol...well hope all is well take care...bert from bama
Hiya John hope your Memorial Day was a good one."God bless our soldiers"..Well are you still painting?Did you decide to tone it down?Its for sure the red would definatly show up well in the snow and be easy to find :) Havent done much here its too hot gosh I hate to see what july and aug temps will be,it was 86 in Alabama today.We do 2 things in Alabama we have hot weather and tornados.I live in what is called tornado alley.Its been very close to me on 3 occasions.I would welcome the weather in Alaska..umm never heard you say anything bout avalanches but did hear mention of bears lol..I guess enough coronas would definitely make you not worry about either one lol...well hope all is well take care...bert from bama
sorry but don't know why the post came thru twice...
Hi bert, as I type, the temp reads 90 degrees in the shade and soon the sun will hit it and go to 100. This is crazy. I would rather face a bear than tornados. I don't see many avalances, I stay away from those areas.
I love the paint color! Looks real nice! So cheerful too.
Waking up to snow only a couple of weeks ago was so depressing. Glad we're over it and summer has finally arrived.
I hope your lake is finally ice free and you were able to check out your place.
Hi Susan, actually it turned out brighter than it looks. Not sure I really like it. I to hope to get up there soon.
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