Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer, friend or foe?

  Good morning everyone, it would seem that Summer has arrived with a vengeance. The sun has been out everyday now and the days and nights have grown warmer. I don't use the wood stove anymore which is nice. The mornings are more pleasant at 40 to 50 degrees in the morning which makes sitting on the deck having coffee and listening to the birds enjoyable. Those first few hours are great.

   As the day grows older, the Sun becomes a virtual enemy to me. Let me remind everyone, I am the biggest fan of Winter, I like it cool and cold. I get way more done work wise. The past few days here have been brutal. The temperatures have ridden to the 75 to 80 degrees and no breeze. That to me is unbearable and takes the wind out of my sails. Yesterday was the worse. By 1pm, my thermometer read 80 degrees and a couple hours later it read 86 degrees in the shade. By the time 3:30 pm came around and the sun hit my thermometer read 96 degrees. Yep, you are reading this right...96 degrees. That's crazy hot, now I am inside the cabin, curtains closed, generator running and fan in the window, I need a bigger fan. I have a feeling this is going to be a very hot Summer.

   These temps. could interfere with my plans big time, at my remote property, the temps. are usually a bit warmer than here. This means, my workday will start much later in the evening and I will have to sleep during the day which is hard for me to do. I will have to figure it out for sure. I have seen a pattern forming here in Alaska with the Summers increasingly getting
warmer from the old days. I'm not sure about the science end of this but, I do know from personal experience, something is happening whether it is Global warming or Climate change something is causing it. I for one believe, we as a people are a big part of this change. Think about it, all over this world, gases are being thrown into the air and that can't be good. I really don't want to make this political but, I believe we are killing this Environment and that needs to change.

   I have a very big task ahead of me and that is to re-evaluate my way of life and do my part living a  more healthy lifestyle and keep my polluting the Environment very little to close to no polluting as much as I can. My only hope in this post is to maybe influence others to do what they can to help also. I know we can't do it 100% but, every little bit does help, even 1% is a start.

   Sorry, I had pictures but, forgot my camera so, the next time I will remember. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I want to thank those of you who have stuck with my Blog. Take care, JOHN


Unknown said...

Hope that you find some relief from the warm temps. A bigger fan may be a good choice for you. Weather here in Iowa is still chilly. Looking forward to summer.

Bushrat John said...

Hi dawn, you may be right, my fan is kind of small. I don't see much relief at this point in time,LOL

Carol G said...

I'm loving the 70s that we're getting here, but my daughter Jaedyn is having a hard time with it - especially in the car! She's sleeping in the basement to keep cool... Next week is supposed to be cooler again (50s here). Do you have windows that open?

Bushrat John said...

Hi Carol, wish we had 70's. My windows do open but, no breeze. My property sits in a hole and get hardly any wind. Thinking of moving to Antarctaca, lol. Jaedyn is the smart one.

Art said...

Dramatic weather change is the pattern, not just warmer. Note the dramatic number of tornadoes and excessive rain and drought.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Art, you are right about that. I've noticed here in Alaska, places flooding you don't hear about often. Galena for one. The temps at my town cabin, 90's. It's not usually that hot.

Anonymous said...

Hey John
boy your sure hard to please.. First we had the unusual cold way into spring, then when spring does finally get here it's too .... hot. Having to watch my unheated, unvented green house closely. last 2 days I've had the door open, and the fan blowing out, and it's a real struggle to keep the temp down to 92. If I shut the door and turned off the fan It would fry my "matters".
Got a kid watching my green house a couple days, I'm going Halibut fishing...!

Went up to my cabin the other day, dodging ice chunks in the Su.. Yentna was relatively clean.. Had to hike in, but got the 6x6 started and drove out.

got some summer work cut out for me up there.

Stay cool

Old John

Bushrat John said...

Hi john, I will be happy when the temps are 65 degrees every day. That had to be a fun trip on the Su. I have a lot of work a head of me in both places. Good luck with the fishing.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John well is it warm in Alaska yet?Its hotter n hades here in the south.Im looking for fall again lol guess ya cant pleez ah woman can ya?I agree with Art with the dramatic weather pattern changes all over this world.Its not like it was when I was a kid,many moons ago :) Our tornado pattern here is in fall and spring and some spin offs when hurricanes hit the gulf coast.Hope your weather gets cooler so your able to start your work that you planned.Take care stay cool ..Bert from Bama

Susan Stevenson said...

I agree that the heat has been unbearable. I am thankful for the rain we had yesterday and today as it really cooled things down. Stay cool John!

Bushrat John said...

Hi bert, the weather has cooled down a bit and having rain helps here and there for the fires going on here in Alaska. I agree, the weather is quite different now days and so are many other things sad to say.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Susan, thanks, I try to work evenings and early mornings. It sure is tough with the rain now but, we need it to help get tbose fires under control.

Anonymous said...

L ucky, i live in texas doing forestey work right now and its horribly hot and humid out here in east texas. Have to carry a hankerchief to wipe the sweat away. I hope to mabey, if alaska suits my needs because i to prefer the cold and lower popularion, move to alaska after college and work with the forest service.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Bryent, I know what you are talking about. I just talked to a friend there and she told me the same thing. Today is perfect, sunny, 70, and breezy. Good luck when you get here.

grammie g said...

Hi John...I have just discovered which John was commenting by clicking on your name from your comment !!
There are 4 John's that comment haha!!
Somewhere alone the line I had thought you was not posting, but all alone you was!! I found that your not showing up on my reading list, and you are not the only one , for I have had this happen before with other blogs!!
So what I am going to do is just start following you again!!

Sounds pretty darn hot, the world is changing for sure , we have had some ridiculous weather!!
From 95 degrees tornado alerts to darn right chilly!!
Maine and tornadoes never went together until the last 5 years, and it is a bit scary!!
Well okay we will be back in touch !!
Take care!!

Bushrat John said...

Hi grammie, there sure are a lot of johns out there. Ha! Ha! 95 is brutal. I hate this hot weather, maybe I should move to Antarctica, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John your right it may be time to head for cooler temps its 96 here and very humid today.Looks like we are in for a very hot summer..not looking forward to this.Did we just get thru gripping about cold weather and snow? lol..seems like it was just yesterday and bam summer hit us faster than greased lightning.Its not good at the beginning of summer to be looking for fall I think its a longggg way off lol...whats keeping you busy these days?Im trying to keep my flowers and ferns alive with this heat.I too work in the early morning and evening hours also its too hot in midday.Well take care and hope all is well....Bert from Bama

Bushrat John said...

Hi bert, good to hear from you. It just seems each year gets hotter. I have a plant I got free and it is growing but, I had to bring it inside. I think complaining about weather is a rigbt of passage, lol. I some things going on. Well, keep cool.