I did do some extensive activity the last couple of days as my photos indicates
This is a closeup so there is no mistake of the hard work I have put in
Yes, the Winter weight is still there and will be seriously working on it
The yard is starting to clear out finally
After all that hard work holding and tilting those Coronas, I needed a good meal. You start with the rice
add the main ingredients, Chunks of moose meat, sweet peppers, onions and mushrooms stir fried to perfection
and WALA?
OOPS! Forgot something yep, ice cold Corona
I may have to start cutting down on the proportions though.
Pretty soon, it will be Halibut and Salmon.What was that? Of course that includes, Ice Cold Corona, LOL.
In case everyone wonders, I don't drink to excess, I drink to me. Just kidding. Well, I would like to wish all the ladies out there a very
" Happy Mothers Day "
Well glad to see spring has finally arrived and the temps are up.The rice with moose meat not sure what that would taste like.I like deer meat and fix it many ways.Looks like the Corona might need to be light if it isn't lol..Im sure you will work off the winter spread like all of us do or should I say like we should do.Dont work too hard and enjoy Sunday off.Take care ...Bert from Bama
Hi John. Sounds like you are enjoying your Coronas. Your meal looked tastey too.
Hi Bert, moose meat tastes great, better when taken late Fall. NOW, Light beer will never touch these lips. I have a lot of work this summer, the pounds will come off.
Hi Carol, I do love my Coronas, I keep them in the freezer. Mmmm! Ice cold. Yep, the meal was tastey
So you getting any snow? It has been snowing a fine flake all day here. Temps dropped from around 50 this morning to now 36 or so. The fine snow is starting to stick. A friend posted huge snow flakes falling at her place about 20 miles or so down the road from me.
AKKKK I'm so tired of this winter... I want it to go away!!!!
Don't put away your snow shovel just yet. This is apparently just the beginning. It is suppose to snow clear through Monday.
Hi Wash, nope haven't had any more snow. Today it wasn't to bad but, tonight got some rain. Hoping it don't rain, got more work to do here.
Hiya John has summer gotten to Alaska yet?Its 90 today in Alabama.Wasnt ready for this lol,born here but hate the summer temps.Its very hot and humid here and not fun getting out.Go out long enough to water my plants or get in my car to run errands and straight back home.Well I must admit the Moose meat looked better in the picture than it sounded.If it has veggies im sure I could handle it.Going to get ready to pack the freezer again this summer with veggies and meat for winter.Love to put up homemade soup its so good on a cold winter evening.Whats up for your summer now that you can get out and about more?How are the mental plans going for your log cabin?Well take care John talk with ya later.Have a blessed day...Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, ok, those temps are way to hot so, don't expect a visit from me,LOL. The weather here has been crazy but, it is starting to fall in place. I will soon be going for Kings right from my cabin with a friend. I hope to get to my remote cabin towork and get it ready for Winter.
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