My tomatoes are really driving me nuts.
The plant on the left is my Early Girl and loaded with tomatoes.
The other is my Roma tomato plant and has only one tomato the size of an Acorn. I planted them at the same time.
It is very strange. Anyway, this was dinner last night. NY Strip with fried potatoes topped with salt, pepper and flaked parmesan cheese. It was great.
Sorry but, there just isn't a whole lot going on right now. I did go over to my neighbors and cut the rest of the trees he wanted down so he can have Internet. The mosquitoes were really bad, even with repellent on.
I will close for now and hope you all understand. Take care.
John i think your tomatoes are suffering from the same malady as mine. Take a look at this link.
Hi John,
I am jealous you have cucumbers.Mine are just starting to spread out. Supper looks good! Thank you M. Silvius for the link on tomatoes. There is some good info there. John we are not getting many tomatoes this year either. I don't see many bees to pollinate this year.
Thanks, I took a look at the site and think you are right. Thanks for the link.
Hi Carol, I don't remember seeing many bees either. Tons of mosquitos though, which I am thoroughly disgusted with. The cucumbers taste really good.
Hey John
your garden looks good.. Looks like your tomatoes could use a little epsom salts. However, keep in mind the end of the growing season is fast approaching at this latitude and so things are going to start changing colors. Seems everybody that grew Early Girl Tomatoes has done quite well. Mine sure has been good to us. I've been told by a couple of gardeners that I should pick my cucumbers as fast as they get big enough, otherwise the plant slows down production. We planted the wrong kind this year, got a total of 3 cucs off of it so far... keep your powder dry.
Old John
HI John... I am still alive :), but not doing so well !!
Those cukes look yummy!
Take care
Hi Grace, thanks. I'm sincerely sorry you are not doing so well. I hope it is nothing serious. I wish you all the best and please keep me informed.
Hi John, thanks. I've picked 3 so far. I am starting to get more Romas, not sure if they get big enough. I got a small propane heater in case it gets to cold.
Hey John
Too bad we don't live a little closer, I could give you a couple vine ripened tomatoes. I gave the neighbor 2 beefsteak sized yesterday and he gave me a pkg of squaw candy and a pint of canned Reds... Been trying to catch a few Coho to smoke up myself but so far those Deshka Coho all have Lockjaw.. May have to go to Seward and play in their Derby. I've kept busy between fishing trips, harvesting, blanching and freezing my garden produce. Now that you are hooked on a greenhouse, Next, you'll probably start building a raised bed or two to increase production... Yup, happens to all us old duffers... Keep your tip up and your lines tight..
Old John
Hey John, thanks, I seem to live far from everyone and everything, lol. The squaw candy sounds great. Yeah, I am excited to start bigger gardens next year. I need to get out fishing. Take care
I had so many lovely green tomatoes, but the deer jumped the fence to my garden for the first time ever. I managed to get 17 nice size green ones, but the deer ate every single other one. I rescued 3 more green peppers. all that is left are my stakes and the fence. sigh. living in the woods is wonderful until you realize so many other critters out there waiting to eat your stuff! they also wiped out my flowers. didn't have a problem for years. go figure, but I guess they just found a good thing. love the dinner! YUMMO! hope it dries up for you, John. it's been very wet here this summer, too. blah!
Hi Debbie, sorry about the deer getting your veggies. I would mind having deer in my backyard instead of mosquitos. I'm hoping my tomatoes turn red soon, looking forward to BLT's. The rain comes and goes throughout the day. Seems the tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries are producing.
Hi! It looks like some very good produce coming in your garden! It's always great to have it fresh off the vine!
Your supper really looked good too! Hope the Mosquitos start dying off for you they are pesky and wicked! I enjoyed this post and the last one with all the Picts, thank you! KC
Hi KC, thanks. I've been enjoying fresh cucumbers and strawberries. Tomatoes are still green. The mosquitos are disappearing finally. Take care
Some time I'm going to have to share how I did my garden this has been a success. I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. Wishing I had some cucumbers and sprouts make it. Good to see you post again...
Hiya John just checking in on ya..been lazy here not doing much just waiting for Fall to arrive and push this hot humid weather away.Looks like your gardening has paid off.Didnt do any planting here this year just went to the local market...getting lazy lol ... got to get up and start moving quit being a couch tater :) Going to start going to the track and walk to get off a few waiting for a drive thru weight loss to zap it off quick lol .... any luck on selling the town house? Are your plans to continue to move permanently to the remote cabin still in your future? Well you take care of yourself John and keep posting we love hearing from you and I will check in more often...praying for grammie g and hope shes feeling better. Take care John...your friend Bert from Bama
Hi John! Just popping in to see how you are. Sorry I have been MIA for the last bit. Life just seems to get in the way sometimes!
Your garden produce looks great, I'm sure the tomatoes will come around. I have two huge Roma plants that haven't produced one tomato. However, I think when it cools down they will start coming on. That's the way it was last year...after the heat settled down.
Hope things are going well for you. Blessings!
Hi wash, good to hear from you, hope all is well. I can use all the tips I can get. How's your project coming?
Hi Bert, good to hear from you. Hope all is well. I know about taking pounds off. I was doing good, until I fell off the wagon, lol. It's selling slow. Take care of yourself.
Hi Cotton, HOLY SMOKES, thought you fell off the planet. Was about to send a search party, lol. Glad to see ya back, I sure miss you blogging. You may be right about the Romas. Don't be a stranger
We have done a lot this summer. I have a bunch of stuff sorted for sale. I'm pleased with the progress. I have a long way to go but I have made a big dent and that is what matters.
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