My old roof
I put new roof paper on
Then, the new roof
It needs some trimming and adjusting, started raining so, couldn't get it done.
It was time for the tarp to come off.
I have been spending a lot of time doing a lot of thinking. I think a lot about a relationship and it's importance. I have lived a very good life and had tons of fun, seen and done many things that most people have never or never will experience. The more I think about it, having someone at this time in my life is very important because, I don't want to leave this world lonely. I like and enjoy having a remote cabin and it brings me joy and peace. But, the more I think about it, if I am feeling lonely staying in my town cabin, you can imagine what it's like being remote where nobody is around.
I am toying with the idea of relocating out of Alaska and find either remote or very rural property somewhere in the lower 48. I believe it would be better to find someone who would compliment my life easier. I have been doing a lot of searching for property for about 3 weeks now. I have been looking in N. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and I have actually looked at the Adirondacks in Upstate NY. I am looking at places that have four seasons. I dream about enjoying Summer nights under the stars, longer days in the Winter, "NO MOSQUITOES", LOL. I want to hear Crickets and Frogs, I want to see more different species of birds, I want to see lightening and hear thunder. There is so much to experience and these things I haven't.
I figure on selling or trading either one or both of my properties or maybe keep the town cabin to come back now and then or if this new adventure doesn't work out for me. I know some of you will not agree with me on this subject but, I feel my happiness of having someone to enjoy what time is left on this Earth is more important.
I bet none of you saw this coming, to tell the truth, I didn't either. I've lived a Mountain Man life in my younger days, maybe I will become a cowboy, lol. Any gals out there living rural, remote or on a homestead, I'm available. I really hope all of you who have stuck by me on this blog will continue. Thanks everyone
Finding companionship at any age is not an easy task. I can only imagine it gets more complicated the older we get. I am glad I am no longer in that rat race. I'll do my best to keep the one I have. A change of scene for one that provides a bit more social interaction might present more opportunities and do the trick for you. North east tends to be a bit too crowded and the urbanites have imposed quite a few nanny state regulations limiting what you can and can not do and have. property tends to be way over priced. Southern Wyoming around Rawlings looks nice and prices for land can be reasonable.
Thanks for the info. I looked at the Adirondacks because of the Fall colors and the Winters. I actually found some decent priced property. Not to mention, a cord of wood goes from $65-$100.
For what its worth, since I always had an affinity with the desert, and the eventual plan is to get away from Maine, we are looking at Terlingua Texas. Its just about the end of the road on the southern US. Property is 250$ an acre.
and then do something like John Wells is doing at:
Oh no, no desert for me, I love my Winters.
John, Check out Missouri. You have 4 seasons, good fall colors, reasonable land prices, especially when looking at property that is not tillable, good hunting and fishing opportunities and friendly people. No Salmon or caribou but great deer hunting and many other species of fish. Good luck.
Thanks Rick, a friend had suggested there also. I appreciate the heads up.
Hi John... Wow you have been doing a lot of thinking haven't you !
Won't have thought you would leave there!!
I like my Maine for many reasons,one big reason "I hate those big old snakes" and we don't have them here! I'll take mosquitoes any time over them!! LOL
I have no good advice for you when it comes to where to move to!!
Hope this all comes together for ya!!
Hi grammie, thanks for the kind words. You had a little something to do with my decision. All your posts of beautiful birds and wildife, let me know what I am missing. Thanks
John.. if you find somewhere that doesn't have misquitos you are lucky. We have misquitos, black flies, horse flies and deer flies. Chances of going outside and not get bitten is nil. I understand you wanting four seasons, each one has beauty. I am afraid I can't suggest a state as I lived all my live in Canada. Maybe a change is what you need. Whatever you choose to do I will always hop over to your blog and see how you are doing.
Thanks Carol, there are plenty of places down in the lower 48 that doesn't have mosquitoes and those other little biters.
Hiya John im not surprised at your decision.We all need someone in our lives, be they a partner or a close friend.Someone to share our days with.Just take your time on where to relocate so you will be happy with your decision.Just wherever you go please don't stop blogging ..your never boring and would miss yore ole carcass lol....Take care my friend ..Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, lol, you sure know how to put a smile on my face. I look at this as another or final adventure. I will take my time and probably nothing will happen until next Spring.
Maine is the place to be! Check out the St JOhn Valley which is on the Canadian border or the Moosehead lake area or Millinocket. CHeap places to live and remote but a town not to far away. You won't be disappointed.
Hi Lynn, thanks for the heads up. I've always heard that Maine is beautiful. I'm going to check it out.
Hey John
Like the New Roof! Those tarps just don't last very long.
I can certainly understand your wanting to find a companion. I'd have a hard time living alone, but moving "outside" seems a bit drastic to me. Every time we go "outside" to see the kids I get rather stressed just getting through the crowds at the airports and the traffic in the cities.. Of course your looking at Remote, so once you got away from the crowds it wouldn't be too bad.
Take Care
Old John
Hi John, "drastic?" Maybe. Maybe a smart move. Sometimes change is good. I don't see anything happening before Spring. Anything can happen. Right now, something is not working for me.
Hiya John glad I can put a smile on your face... laughter is good medicine for the soul...Just don't let this get you down..stay busy and think positive.I think your on the right track my friend.Well here's wishing you a restful sunday and a Happy Labor Day..Get out meet people that would be good for you,you could always take up parasailing and I could help you fertilize the gardens of Alaska lol ....take care my friend..your friend Bert from Bama
Thanks Bert, I appreciate the words of encouragement. Have a nice weekend yourself.
Hi John. Yes, I'm surprised at your change of plans. We are actually moving outside as well. My husband took a job in IL near his elderly parents. I'm trying to sell the house now... Good luck as you make your way south.
The other Carol
Hi John. I read your blog all the time. I live in the lower 48 and have never been to Alaska although I would love to go. I have been dreaming of it for years. I would love to be remote, but my life (my age and health) wouldn't allow for it.
My husband and I own property in Kentucky and Iowa. Land is reasonable in some parts of Kentucky, and we have all seasons here. I also live in an area with very few restrictions on the land. You don't have to have a permit for every little thing you do on your own property. In fact, unless there are deed restrictions, there are no rules governing what you do with your own land. Good in some cases, bad in others.
Although we own land in Iowa, we don't actually live there- not yet anyway. Again, all four seasons, and it's lovely there. I truly love it. As far as land prices- I'm not sure. Since we don't live there yet, I'm not sure about the kinds of things you would run into- cost wise or restriction and permit wise.
We have hunting property there- and that is NOT cheap by any means. But it may be reasonable if you aren't looking for large parcels to hunt on. The West Des Moines area has a ton of things to do, but you can drive 15 minutes out of town and be rural and have very few neighbors. It's fantastic!!I hope you find what you are looking for in life. Good Luck to you!!
Hi Carol, WOW! I certainly didn't see that coming. Good luck to you guys and hope everything works out for ya.
Thanks, I never gave Kentucky a thought, nor Iowa. I will certainly check them out. Hope your health improves soon and things work out for the best. Hope you keep checking in. Take care
Hey John, have you thought about the Juneau or Vancouver area ? seems like a good mix of both worlds
Hi stranger, good to see ya back. Hope all is well. Yeah! I'm looking everywhere, big decision.
Hi, John!
After a busy weekend of having hunters here, I am getting caught up...again! Dove season opened up on Monday and had 4 guys here peppering away at them. Great success!
You do have some big decisions to make, don't you?! I can speak for Iowa as a place to live as I grew up there and then lived there for 10 years in my adulthood. It gets very hot and humid in the summer with mosquitoes! There may be some places as remote as you are used to, but not many anymore. Think you would be happier in some of the northern states where the summers don't get quite so hot. I pray you are successful in finding what you need and want. Blessings to you!
Hi Cotton, it is a big decision. I can say, leaving scares the hell out of me and I constantly have second thoughts. Time will tell.
John Ic your thinking of moving out to the lower 48. I sugest Nebraska it is very remote in most of the sandhills. Very pretty in the misouri river bluffs and also the niobrara river valley. But it can also be very lonely there also. I went to school in lincoln at UNL with 20000 other kids and i was very alone with all those people around so my point is it can be just the same in the middle of alot of people. Have you considered taking a extended drive/vacation around the whole counrty like make a big loop? Seee the most and consider it a great adventure? If you get to Nebraska I'll show you the sights in northeast nebraska.
hi John! well, goodness! aren't you having much to ponder?!! lots of totally rural areas yet in the lower 48, but I doubt you will leave mosquitoes behind in any of them. :) with tons of rain this summer, my PA woods just are totally annoying if you step outside. seems I am a happy buffet for all that bites! I know..I'm the ONE person they see, so I'm such a delight! new roof looks good. keep us informed as to what you are thinking. I for one love hearing from you!! Debi
Juneau is way too expensive for a retired person to live in unless they have considerable retirement income.
Actually, I did give a lot of thought about buying a mini van and fixing it to camp and take a summer to look around. I might take you up on that offer if it happens. Thanks
Hi Debbie, I agree about the roof. Good to hear from you. I did look in Pennsylvania, I looked at Montrose, Hallstead and Scranton. I also checked out Gettysburg. It's on my bucket list to visit the battlefield.
I do agree with you on that. I was checking it out yesterday. Even land alone is expensive
Hiya John just wanted to stop by and say hello...well my wish for Fall weather is on the way beginning next week im so happy.Hope your doing well and that your not fretting too hard about what you want to do. Just enjoy each day where you are and don't sweat the small stuff.Had anyone to look at your place?SUre hope so .... and have you any ideas yet on what direction you may ponder to go (pnder is a southern word for think n bout sumpin lol )...well you take care my friend will catch ya soon...your friend Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, Fall is definitely here. The mornings are cool, lots of rain and no mosquitos. I'm still pondering, lol. I'm doing fine, thanks
I look in at the end of the week hoping to see a new post. I guess you have been busy. my loss.
Hi Debbie, don't fret, check Saturday afternoon.
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