Thursday, January 6, 2011

Water Day

Good day to get water, it's +30, sunny and a little bit of wind.

Starting off

As you can see, ice gripper time. As I was walking out the wind kept pushing my sled to the side of me.

This is how thick the ice was in my cooler waterhole, about an inch thick. Pretty much came out in one piece.

My waterhole of course.

This is how easy it is to get water. Remember one thing, make sure you use a deeper cooler or go deeper. It started to close in on the bottom. But, if you keep at it it won't be a chore.

Coming back. OOPS! Always remember to get all of you in the photo. The hardest part of getting water is on the way back when you have to pull everything over rocks and up a slight incline.

Cooling off after getting water.

This is where the water ends up.

I did learn another lesson. When getting water on a sub-zero day, never put you water container filled with water on bare ice hard. Good thing for Gorilla Glue.

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