Today was a pretty nice day so, I decided to take a ride up Hatcher Pass. First, I made myself a great breakfast. Scrambled eggs, Hash Browns and Sausage.
The ride up Hatcher Pass, Upper Willow CreekIf you remember, there was an old wooden bridge over this creek, I looked for the photo but couldn't find it. Early this year the creek flooded out and took the bridge out.
The other side of the bridge.
The old mine shaft halfway up the mountain
Well, that's it for today. It's 6:30 pm and it started raining so, I will come up with something more enjoyable soon, I hope, LOL.
Take care
Great pictures! Beautiful country! Your food always looks so good. Even the squirrel looks like he/she was drooling. LOL It has been really hot here in the Midwest lately and I can't wait for autumn.
Hi MidwestGirl, That whole area is beautiful and quiet, that's why I like going there. The food tasted good as well. That squirrel can eat. He climbs up the wall and has figured out how to get at the bird feeder. I can hardly wait for Winter, I love the snow even if I complain at times. LOL
Gorgeous scenery!!
Great pictures, good to see you enjoy and sharing this. My wife and I were married up there. Hatchets Pass is truly Gods Country.
Great memories, thanks John.
Billy Jack
John....Nice to see your post and that you are out and about enjoying the beauty around you! We have had some weather challenges in our area so getting out on a cool day sounds very appealing. A new puppy at our house forces us outside even during the most inhospitable weather but you gotta do whatever it takes to get "business" done..Glad to see that you are well and that the squirrel is supervising your activities with such enthusiasm! Enjoy - and I look forward to some more pix with your new camera soon.
So beautiful! I love seeing Alaska! I see those fall colors creeping in... Temps have started to drop in NY. I'm not ready for summer to end but I do love the cooler weather.
Thanks Bigfoot, it is always nice to see it
Hey Billy Jack, you picked a great place to get married.
Hi Chris, thanks for the kind words. Yes, a puppy can be a lot of work, good luck with that, lol. I am feeling much better these days and enjoying my time outside. The squirrel makes sure I'm busy.
Hi nymamma, the cooler Temps are really nice. I still can't wait for Winter. Stay cool mamma, lol.
Beautiful pics with great detail. Really conveys the sense of a vast wide open space. I'm enjoying the cooler weather as well, a good long mild fall would suit me fine. Enjoy your new camera. Take care, M.
Hi M, I have to give my camera a lot of praise for the great photos. I am enjoying the cooler temperatures now. I can get more work done. Thanks for stopping by.
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