Hi everyone, not much has happened since my last post except for rain and that is all it's been doing since then. I'm talking pouring rain so, I didn't get anything done outdoors nor inside. All I have been doing is watching movies and you can only watch the same ones so many times. Of course, I now have 5 TV channels and a lot of the times, they aren't that interesting.
I have been doing a lot thinking, about the Winter and the addition on my remote cabin and quite a few other things. I have been so bored, I have been eating meals out of a can or ones you just add water to, "YUCK". There is suppose to be a break in the weather this weekend and the weather person is calling for SUN. So, I am thinking about taking a ride somewhere for good photo ops and have something more worthy to post. I am working on another part of my life which I won't go into right now until I am positive it will work. I think it is fun to have a little suspense in ones life.
One thing I am happy about is, I went to town Wednesday and found out that the DAY OLD store is opened again. It closed down when the TWINKIES went away. I discovered it was open when I entered the Strip Mall to go to Value Village. I stopped in and bought one of my favorite snacks, Fig Newtons, Apple, Blueberry and Strawberry, they almost didn't make it back to the cabin, LOL. Any hoot, I just wanted to check in and hopefully, next week I will have something good and fun to tell you as well as some neat photos. Have a good weekend everyone.
You need some good books, I suppose. I can't imaging being cabin-bound with only a TV...I'd go crazy! Now having nothing to do and a few good books - that is a different story! Too bad you don't have a good neighbor who likes to play games - I'm a sucker for a good card or board game...
Isn't it funny that you have all that time but can't motivate to do simple meal planning and cooking! Especially someone like you who enjoys it soo much. Perhaps, I wonder, are you depressed? I hope not!
PS. I finally updated my blog - if you get bored again you can go see pics of our summer (at least from my phone camera)
Sorry about the rain John. I wondered where all of ours went. lol That was our entire spring and summer. About 13" above normal this year. Keep at it.
Hi John... Weather had been just nut's this summer!! We went through a few days of just pouring rain and cool, then a week of lovely blue skies and perfect temp's around 70-75 awww!!!
Then Tuesday it started to get hot and humid,highs in the 85 to 90!! Some places in Maine got some bad thunderstorm and rain, but I got nothing here!! Got up yesterday morning and the cool Canadian air had moved in and gorgeous!!
Last night is was down to 45, and highs today are to be low 70's !!
Now ain't that a hoot!! haha!!
Sorry to hear your just bumming, and not cooking, that's not you!!
If your like me though I can't get anything done inside when it is raining, I am like a kid, I want to go outside and play!! haha!!
People who say I get so much done inside on a rainy day!! I did three loads of laundry, make cookies, bread, cleaned the frig, and scrubbed the kitchen floor... I'd like to choke (not really) but you get the drift!!
Well what ever you have up your sleeve for another part of your life, hope that cheers you up!!
Hey I think they are making Twinkies again !!! I only like the original Fig Newtons!!
Take care
John, you ever try Netflix for movies ? that would help a lot at a low cost as well .
Hey John
Next trip up your way I'll try to remember to toss in some old vhs movies we have. Don't have a VCR anymore so can't watch them. Had to laugh, you got 5 chnls and couldn't find anything interesting. We got about 100 chnls and some nites there just isn't a d... thing on worth watching. Went to Whittier last weekend, caught a boat load of Silvers and 1 king that I could keep. Did you ever check that little creek there to see what, if anything, goes up there to spawn??
I'm hoping we get at least one more day of sun so this yard dries up enough to run the mower around. now that the company has all gone home I got time to tend my garden. Froze 12 pints of beets this AM. got 28 pints of carrots in the freezer now.. Bout the same for peas. Lots of stew this winter..
Old John
Hi Carol, not to worry, I'm not depressed and have plenty of books. Was just having a normal human moment. Thanks for your concern.
I always check your blog for updates since I figured how to do it on my phone, thanks
Hi hiker, always good to here from you. Think I will send the rain back to ya, lol.
Hi grammie, sounds like your weather is just as crazy as here. Woke up this morning to 42 degrees. It's sunny and 70 degrees. I will have good news soon.
Nah, not into Netflix. Soon I will be to busy for movies.
Hey John, thanks, will be nice to see you again. Sounds like you've been busy in a good way. Not sure anything goes up this creek. Nice to have your place back, eh?
Hi, I'm glad I found your blog. I've been following for couple of months now. :)
Hi Sari and welcome, I hope you continue to ejoy my posts and photos.
Hi John, we've had so much rain in Girdwood, I actually asked the chef on morning at 4:30 a.m., "Does it EVER quit raining?"
He replied, "You have to have the sunshine inside or you'll never make it." I smiled, nodded, turned to the stove before grumbling some %$#%^% under my breath. But, the sun came out that afternoon and has been out ever since! ??? wow, does God hear us better way up in the Last Frontier?
Hi Brawny, in Alaska, the weather is what it is. I have a plan for every type of weather. Today is wood stove day.
Hiya John sounds like you have cabin fever ;( you should grab that camera and head for the road.I can only take so much being inside then ive got to get out.We all look for peaceful times for ourselves but to much "me time" and I start not liking me lol..Sounds like your weather is like ours had lots of rain but its slowed down and temps are much tolerable.That chicken soup did look good ...I need to send you homemade vegetable soup and a pone of cornbread..thats my favorite.Well John take care ..Bert from Bama
Hi Bert, not cabin fever yet, just having one or more of those days people have from time to time. Me likey cornbread, yummy
Time for another post, Mr John!
Hi Carol, not to worry, lol. I will be posting on Wednesday. That's when the movies are due back at the library.
Is it still raining there?? Pouring here. I have come to a screeching halt on the deck being converted to an arctic entry. Can't really cut into the house until it stops raining.
Building bunny pens in the house where it is dry. Other than that doing about what you are, watching movies. Waiting on your next post too. LOL
Hey Wash, still raining and suppose to keep raining for a while. Not getting much done. Oh well, just have to accept it.
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