Make sure to clean the seat off also.
Ahhhh! Much better
Then it was time to clean out the wood stove stack. I couldn't get a picture of me doing that, not enough time to climb the latter and get the brush down the stack,LOL. But, I see my China Cap took a beating this winter. It started out new.
I didn't want to drive long distance for one, so, I improvised and gave it a temporary fix.
Duct tape does wonders
I took a trip into Willow and someone is doing a really cool snow sculpture.
It's not completed yet, this will be the sled
There is a guy who does wood scultures and he made this chair.
The weather has been pretty warm, the nights are around 20 degrees and the days 40 degrees. I will be real busy this weekend so, my next post should be interesting. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather. Take care.
Temperature is about the same here John. (Ontario)
I am just glad that we are finally getting more sunshine- that is what gets to me!
Hi Evano, I think we are in our thaw now, soon it will be breakup, I'm ready
Outhouses in below freezing temperatures.. oh what fun. lol
R. :)
Oh, oh, brrrr on the outhouse!! :)
Yep, I'll bet you cleaned off the seat! Good ole duct tape fixes a lot of things! Couldn't live without it!
The snow sculptures are amazing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.
I got second cataract done and just now being able to read easier, so catching up AGAIN. Your last post with the night shots are really good. You're getting the hang of it.
March is our windy month and it is really living up to it's name. 25-30 sustained winds with gusts up to 50 with blowing dust. Hate this time of year. That said, it is definitely showing signs of Spring!
Hey John, where did all that frost come from in the outhouse?
Is the duct tape safe? What if it catches fire?
It's pretty messy down here too. No point washing cars with the thaw. I always say this season isn't spring, it is "mud". I like the term break-up as it denotes a different picture than "spring" which means flowers and blossoming trees, etc...
Hey R, you get use to it. Where else can you sit on the can and watch the Northern Lights?
Hey R, you get use to it. Where else can you sit on the can and watch the Northern Lights?
Hi Cotton, the sculptures are cool and glad to share. Glad you are seeing better.
Hi Cotton, the sculptures are cool and glad to share. Glad you are seeing better.
Hi Carol, you get frost when it isn't completely sealed
Lol, good point John, I bet that is a nice plus. :)
Have you checked out Alaskalist lately? There are three or four posts of people giving away Iditarod veteran dogs.....
Hiya John sounds like siting on the porch with your corona in the 50 degree sunny temps got the winter ice outta your noggin and new plans.Nothing like regrouping and it sounds like a log cabin might be what you need.I dont do building well or use a hammer very good lol but i can give decorating tips (aint that jus like ah woman lol).Have a good and blessed day ..Bert from Alabama
Thanks Bert, you're always welcome to come up and help me decorate, LOL
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