Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter is back

Well, as usual, I forgot to upload pictures from my camera. It has been raining hard here for a few days and made for an awful mess. The highest temp. was 44 degrees. Now we are back to the 20 degree mark and everything is slippery and miserable. While it has been raining, I have been working on the inside of the cabin painting the walls. It is coming along fine and brightens the place up at night and day. Really isn't to much to say today, I will have more to say and show Friday. I just wanted to check in and let you know everything is fine.


Anonymous said...

John you may not have much to say but I love reading your blog. Love hearing about living in Alaska. It is a dream of mine to visit someday. Please keep blogging about life in Alaska and pictures of the incredibly scenery.

Bushrat John said...

I promise to keep posting about the great life in Alaska and post more photos.

Anonymous said...

Your old cabin picture is awesome.. Looks like something out of an old west movie. :)


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the summer hitting in the middle of winter? Me either...we have a perfect ice rink out back. son goes out to ice skate in the yard as he is going out to feed the dogs. Glad winter is back but really hope the wind doesn't start blowing here again.


Bushrat John said...

Hi R, I really liked that cabin. On Friday I will post the story about it.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Wash, I don't care for this at all. It is hard to walk around. But, it is what it is. Skating, EH? I should take that up.

Carol G said...

Glad all is fine. The short notes are good too. I expect we'll see before and after pics of what you've been painting soon.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Carol, I decided to wait and take a before and after pic.

Anonymous said...

Good time to try it even if it isn't what you were planning... LOL


Bushrat John said...

Hey Wash, Think I'll pass, I got enough aches and pains.