We got 3ft. of snow awhile back
My burn barrel
There it is
A neighbor was just approaching as I took this pic.
Front of cabin
Ice cubes made by Nature
Still hard at work
Finally a walkway
Decided to make some lunch, Rabbit soup and it was good.
As you can see, the windows frosted up real good. A neighbor gave me the wreath thinking it would help with cabin fever.
Breakfast Christmas morning, powdered eggs, dehydrated hashbrowns, real bacon and cinnimon spice coffee.
View from my cabin
My temporary shower
The outhouse is still standing
View of my yard from inside the cabin
That's it pretty much for now. So, as you can tell by the pictures, I have been busy. All that work doesn't bother me at 64 years old. It does a person good to keep active and healthy. Next week, I get rid of my Android phone with the Internet and texting on it. This thing drives me nuts. I am going back to my basic old cellphone. Hopefully, I can keep myself on schedule for the library.
I have just recently started going through all the things I have accumilated and don't need. I'm not even going to try and sell the stuff, I may drop it off to a place like a womans shelter or something like that. I way more than I need. We are so lucky to lve in a place like Alaska and to be able to live how we want, almost. I am also thinking about selling the town cabin again, I like it but, I will spend most of my time on my remote property, I would probably worry all the time if the cabin is ok. I am also going to start working on finding a partner, not sure how I will go about it but, it should be interesting. Not many women today willembrace a remote lifestyle and those who do, are either taken or want to be by themselves. It's tough being a single Bushdweller these days, LOL. Anyway, time to go, hope everyone is doing good and having fun.
Hey John,
Thanks for the pictures. That Rabbit soup looks delicious. :)
I'm curious about your cabin, if I could get an email, I'd like to ask you about it.
Also, there is a way, depending on the type of android you have, to do what's called a "tether" to a computer. If you have phone access through the android, you can use it as a modem for the internet. There's a limit usually on the amount of bandwidth but it's enough to surf the net fairly regularity. That might help you with your lady hunt, especially through the winter, when you can't get out. Happy hunting. :)
Just curious, what's the temp range for your cabin during those coldest days?
Talk to you later,
Hi R, as far as the temp. range depends on how much wood you have and hour woodstove. Not sure what you want to know but, you can email me through the blog if you sign on. I can't email you because you are anonymous. Sorry. There are many pictures of the cabin on the blog.
You still looking to go north? Any place in particular your looking? I have found the area I think I want to be in but to find the land is going to be more difficult. There is a lot of native land around the state land Im looking at... It is remote, north and looks to have some good hunting areas as well as fishing. We will see.
Hi Wash, everything is up in the air. Right now I have my 2 cabins to think about.
Always enjoy your photos.. you have a good eye for taking pictures... especially enjoyed the Northern Lights picture... and that sunset picture... (Matthew 16:3) If your going to turn Android back in, I suppose you'll loose email... I'll have to dial your Ph number to see if we still have some kind of contact.. Had hoped to get u your way this past week but a few other things got in the way... Are you keeping ahead of the snowfall up there??? even with a snow thrower I am having difficulties keeping up with it down here... Stay Warm...
Thanks John, I really do enjoy taking photos and plan on doing a lot more. I spent 2 hours shoveling snow today. Tomorrow, the snow comes off the roof, camper and outhouse. Wednesday is the worst, have to go to Anchorage, yeeeech!
That's my northern lights photo at the top of your blog, and I think the sunset is my friend Michelle's photo from Homer. Where did you get them?
I like your photo of the wreath on the snowy/icy window.
Susan in North Pole
The photos are beautiful,the Northern Lights are seen by so few these days. Glad to see you made yourself a special christmas breakfast to bless your holiday table cloth. I say keep your phone for internet conncections until you score yourself a women, which I am sure you will, isnt there a blog out there for Men seeking women for the bush dewellers? There must be, ormaybe you need to start one than you would have first pick. Any man that is willing to do all the shoveling, make a great stew and takes a shower deserves a women!
Once again keep the blog coming.
Hi Susan, I don't remember where I got the Northern Lights photo but it was online somewhere. The rest of the photos are mine taken from Sixmile Lake by Nondalton. The sunset photo is actually a sunrise. Sorry about no credits but, there was no name.
Thanks Lynn, the photo of the lights arn't mine, I just liked them. Thanks for the encouragement. Nope, no blogs for lonely Bushdwellers, LOL
Amazing snow photos, John! That's a ton of snow to move!! Good luck on your "woman hunt". :)
The rabbit soup really looks good!
Take care..blessings!
Hi Cotton, it is a lot of snow to move, seems as soon as I shovel, it snows more. The rabbit soup was good. I am a soup kind a guy.
Hey John, Glad you are hanging in there. One thing about this time of year is that if you can stay busy time flies and before you know it the snows all gone and all those places you wanted to go to are too hard to get to again.
Hey John, glad to see you are hanging in there. Time flies and before you know it the days will be warmer and longer. In fact winter from now to April always seems to short.
It looks like I've doubled up on comments. Just to complicated I guess.
Hi b, they arn't that difficult, if you have a plan.......FLY, lol
That's ok b, makes me look popular, lol. Back to peanut butter and saltenes.
Hi John,
I just discovered your blog and have been reading through all the posts. Your life sounds intruiging. Cabin life is so peaceful, out in the bush anyway. But yes it's hard work and few want to do it.
Your photos are great, and I think it's interesting that you take such good photos of your meals. You sure do eat good!
I'm a city dweller right now but have lived in Alaska, and in the bush, so I really enjoy reading about your day to day life. My times in Alaska were some of the best times of my life.
Hope 2012 is a great year for you.
Hi John,
I wasn't asking for specifics, just curious how warm your cabin was during those coldest days.
Yeah I saw the pictures. I was actually thanking you for them and commenting on how great some of them were.
I have really no interest in starting yet another account or blog, I have too many already lol.
Look forward to your next thread. Talk to you later.
Hi Terri, welcome I am glad you enjoy my blog. Hope you stick around. So, you're an ex Bushdweller. Miss it?
Hey R, sorry if I misunderstood. I can't tell you how many emails I get wanting me to share info about living in the Bush. I received 11 emails in one day. It's impossible to give each person the time. I try to give as much info on my blog as I can. Maybe one day I will do a Bush living post only. Take care.
Hi John,
Yes I do miss bush life, and Alaska too, very much. I am saving to buy a small parcel of land somewhere remote, and Alaska is one of the places I will be looking at for my land. Hopefully it will come with a cabin already on it as I have never built a cabin or anything like that. Not saying I couldn't but I have no big desire to build right now. I love to eat fish and your area looks like a good place for that, at least from what I can tell from all the fish people were getting out on the lake, through the ice. I also want a garden, and that would be a challenge in the bush but do-able too. Hope you keep writing your interesting and informative posts.
Hey Terri, glad to hear you are considering a move back to a remote lifestyle. This life is not for everyone. Many don't understand why we do it. Besides having some skills, the main ingredient is, the love and passion for the land, animals and lifestyle. Actually, gardens are very doable. Check out frontierfreedom.com. It's a very good site.
Hi John! Havnt talked to you in awhile. Nancy and I have been sick, sick, sick! Going to town and the lower 48 and thats what happens! Hopefully on track here in a day or two to start hauling fuel again. So when are you going to turn on the heat outside again? brrrrrrrr!
Hi John! Havnt talked to you in awhile. Nancy and I have been sick, sick, sick! Going to town and the lower 48 and thats what happens! Hopefully on track here in a day or two to start hauling fuel again. So when are you going to turn on the heat outside again? brrrrrrrr!
Hey Mike&Nancy, that's what happens when you go to a foreign land, lol. Hey, everytime I fill my woodstove, I am warming the air up. Anyway, I am doing ok. I don't miss AOD, except for a few friends.
you have the right idea john keep up the good work and mind set.a meeting of the minds 4 ever-SARA
you have the right idea john keep up the good work and mind set.a meeting of the minds 4 ever-SARA
Hi Sara, nice to hear from you. I always try to keep doing what I'm doing.
Hi John. Great post with lots of pics! I hope that we see you meet someone meaningful through your blog...that will be fun to watch as the relationship develops. Hey, Terri, how old are you, and are you looking for a partner? Maybe you and John can exchange email addresses and get more personal? :)
Carol, you crack me up. I will have to call you Carol C (cupid) instead of G, lol.
John where are your latest post? Have you removed them? Have you been hacked ?????? Bert fro Bama
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