Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cloudy Day

Today was another bad weather day, Wind, rain, some sun in and out but, mostly cloudy.

This plane is about to be swallowed up in the clouds.

Northern Air Cargo flying by
Sunset last night

Hopefully tomorrow will be a nicer day.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic pictures John. How far is your nearest neighbor? Your picture seem so natural and uncluttered with everyday life of neighbors. The lake looks to be melting fast. Beautiful. Bridgett

Anonymous said...
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Bushrat John said...

Hi Bridgett, the village is about 3 miles away. Clutter I hate. That is why I live off the road system, it is so natural and quiet.

Susan Stevenson said...

I like cloudy skies as much as sunny skies. Nice photos. The sunset photos are beautiful!

Bushrat John said...

Thanks Susan,