Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wood cutting day

My day started about 5:45 a.m. Made a fresh pot of coffee and about 6:30 a.m. got a nice shot of the moon.
  Then, about 7:10 a.m. the sun started to come up.

So, I grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the porch and a movement on the lawn caught my eye.

Here he is gnawing on a couple of hot dogs I threw to him.

Then out of nowhere, I hear this awful loud noise and it was a squirrel on my overhang scolding the fox. I couldn't get a photo because he took off up to the roof real fast. But, my usual friends stopped by.
After all that excitement, I decided it would be a good day to cut wood. So, I sharpened my chainsaw and tightened up the bar and went out back to get started. Here is the pile I will cut today.
                       OK, now it's time to get busy.

        This piece was a tough one, it was a double tree.
When I got done bucking the logs, I had to pick up the rounds and toss them over the big log pile so I could split them.
Yeah, that's a gas log splitter. As much as I like to split by hand which is done easier when the wood is frozen, using the splitter sure makes it way faster when it's warm like this. While I was splitting my buddy stopped by to see what I was up to.

Guess he wasn't to impressed with my work. Anyway, here is the end result of working at my age.
I hope you enjoyed my blog today. Tomorrow, back to cutting more wood and who knows what else. GOODNIGHT 


Anonymous said...

John, this is Northbird (Sherry).....this is a great photo story! Looking through the pictures and reading the comments just really made me smile and made my day. You have a great day today, too.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Northbird, it's been awhile, how are things with you? Glad you enjoyed it, keep coming back.

Carol G said...

Aren't foxes pretty! How fun to have one hanging around a day. I had one I got a bunch of pics of when I lived in Colorado. So fun! Those logs looks too long and straight to use as firewood. Can't they be used for your cabin?

Bushrat John said...

Yeah, I like foxes, it's almost like having a dog except you don't have to take care of it. Just be nice to it. Actually, the logs are for building a dock.

Carol G said...

Glad to hear it. Not that I know anything about that...

Bushrat John said...

The dock is like one you have by the water and you can tie a boat or a plane on floats up to it.

Carol G said...

I know what a dock is :), I just don't know much about building anything out of logs or about logs in general.

Bushrat John said...

Sorry Carol, didn't mean it to sound like you didn't know. Sometimes I say things the wrong way.