Friday, November 30, 2018

Earthquake Nov. 30 2018

Just want everyone know that I'm ok and I am busy cleaning up a big mess. Will keep you all posted.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

I want too say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends out there and hope all is well and you are enjoying your time this Thanksgiving with family and friends. I also want too thank those who are sharing your dinner table with those less fortunate. I will soon be back to blogging

So, take care and enjoy this special day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Checking in

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know I am fine. I have been sick with a serious sinus infection and I am over it. I haven't been posting for quite awhile due to being in one of those down times that come along. Yes, I have plenty of water and food and I have a lot on my mind. I will soon post about my visit with sister and family. Veteran's day was a sad day for me and just wasn't up for posting. Thanks for everyone's concerns and sorry for not addressing them personally and sooner. Take care.