Eggs, toast and ham with coffee of course.
Then I kinda sat around enjoying my coffee and the quiet. After awhile, I went out to split firewood to replenish my inside stack.
With installing the ceiling and my great wood stove, this stack will last 3 days in -24 degrees.
There is nothing more invigorating than splitting wood in cold temperatures at 69 years old.
We finally got plenty of snow and that makes me very very happy. Seems Winter is the only season that gets my juices flowing.
This is my Christmas tree, the very first one I have ever bought and artificial at that, oh well.
This is how it's looking here since the snow we got, my deck
I am so glad I bought that $40 snowblower, it took about 20 min. to clear the snow.
Now! I've been holding off posting for something special. Last Friday, my friend Randy and I flew out to the cabin and yes, there was a glitch. It was cold and I mean cold, around -5. The skiis were stuck to the ice on the lake so, I had to rock the wing until he moved it to the snow. Then, the engine was taking longer to warm up which took about 40 min.
Finally, it warmed enough to fly. We took off and Randy noticed that the gas was reading below 8 gal. he said he put 15 gal. in. Then the plane stalled for about 5 seconds and a lump hit my throat. it immediately corrected and the fuel indicator showed 15 gal. Everything was cool then and I do mean cool, more like cold. He had a gap in his slider window that came back on me, glad I was dressed for it, lol.
We got to the cabin without a hitch. We carried stuff to the cabin then, Randy went back out and tamped down a runway to take off. I went to work taking some re bar ( 6 foot pieces of 1/4" round metal bars) and tied bright orange surveyors tape to them and distribute them as a guide to my cabin.
Why you ask? I have made arrangements to start having things freighted out to my cabin so, I can spend much more time out there and do some work. My friend Chris who runs a lodge 16 miles North of me will be grooming the trail and freight my stuff out in a week to 2 weeks..
I apologize for not providing pictures, it was so cold, my camera would not work. Next weekend is suppose to be in the 30's and if it is, I plan to spend 2-3 days. So, keep your fingers crossed. Take care.