Thursday, December 31, 2015


Well, this has been a crazy year for me, some ups and some downs but, I survive it. I especially wish for those of you who have had some setbacks with health problems or other problems, I hope this year will be a better one. I for one, will not make any resolutions specifically. But, I will put an effort in making the New Year a year of personal changes.

I haven't done much with my blogs so, hopefully I will make my posts a whole lot interesting. I sort of lost interest for a while and was just plain lazy.

Anyway, I am hoping for a better world in the coming New Year. I hope for people all over to strive to make our environment cleaner, save our National forests. Nature, the Wilderness  and Wildlife need to be preserved for those in the now and future. I myself am going to work on the impacts that I make on the Environment

So again, I appreciate all of you who have stuck with my blog and those of you who have just arrived. Again


Wednesday, December 23, 2015



Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas
Hoping as you, family and friends gather for this special day, enjoy the bounty that is put upon your table. Please remember, there are those who are less fortunate for whatever reason and maybe invite one person to share with you on this Christmas day.

As always, I found a family this year and provided them with a nice Christmas dinner. They did invite me to join them but, I declined, as I am joining a neighbor friend and his wife this year.

See ya in the new year

Monday, December 14, 2015


                                                        U.S.S. OZBOURN DD 84                





On this date, my 2 best friends and shipmates were killed in action off the coast of North Vietnam while handling shells for the after gun mount in support of a Special Forces compound being overrun by North Vietnamese regulars and Viet Cong forces.

While providing gunfire support, we came under fire of 81mm mortar shells, close to 200 rounds bracketed our ship when one went through the deck into the after handling room where Robert and Ed was stationed. We also were hit in the Electronics room wounding 3 and took 2 rounds in our Anti submarine rocket launcher starting a fire. We also took some rounds in the hull at and close to the waterline. Despite all this, we remained online and along with Navy fighters planes, prevented the enemy from overtaking the Special Forces camp.

Ed and Robert will always be in my memory


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Winter update

Ok, Winter is here and we have lots of snow as you can see.
There are 2 snowmachines under there

Now for the rest of the property

I have been pretty busy shoveling, hauling firewood. I haven't really started doing my usual Winter cooking yet. Just been eating simple meals.

Stack of hot cakes, egg on top and Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon coffee.

Pork chop on an Everything bagel.
I haven't really been up to par, I had surgery a couple of weeks ago and have stitches. I won't go into what it was about, kinda personal and way more info than you would want to hear. I am still on the mend, as the doctor said it takes longer because of my age. I have to go back to the Air Force hospital Dec. 16 for surgery follow up. Hopefully, I will be myself soon and get back to being busy again.

I think you all remember the problem I had with my laptop, the screen going black and I couldn't use it to load photos from my camera. I could figure a way to load them onto my tablet from my camera. That has changed, a young man at Walmart showed me what I can do. He sold me a regular SD card with a micro card that fits inside of it. I take pictures, pull the micro SD card and put it in my tablet to download photos onto it. That's how I did the photos above. See, You're never to old to learn from the young.

My temperatures have been hovering between 0 to -15. With the new woodstove, my cabin has been very toasty and uses less wood than my old one. I am going to buy another one for my remote cabin. As soon as my stitches are out, I will be going to the cabin. I would like it to be a bit warmer so, nothing freezes in the town cabin while gone.

Well, that's it for now, just wanted to check in. Take care.