I have decided NOT to leave Alaska. This is my home and always will be. I don't know what I was thinking, that I could just up and leave to go somewhere that is scarier than coming face to face with a bear without protection, LOL. I have to much history and fond memories here. Not to mention a very good life. I will change a few things. I will work on both places without complaining and start traveling more around the state. I am presently looking at buying some more property close to where the Salmon are and use it as a subsistence fish camp.
Another thing that influenced my decision is, I broke out some actual photos, that I have taken over the years and brought back a lot of memories and I don't mind saying, it got me kinda misty eyed. I miss those days so much. I had way more fun back then, especially my remote lodge caretaking days. I had met some really great people and rubbed elbows with some very wealthy ones but, you wouldn't know it. They didn't advertise the fact that they were wealthy. Funny thing is, some of them were more impressed with my lifestyle than theirs.
The thing is, this has been an awakening for me and now know for sure, my life is good. Plus, I'm very happy that many of you stuck by me and keep commenting and given me good advice and soothing advice. There has been a few times, I felt like ending this blog and even getting rid of this computer. Not so much now, or at least for the moment, you how I change my mind a lot, LOL.
Anyway, I think you will like the new change in me, no more drama, depression, disappointment, etc. It's raining like hell today and has been for quite awhile. Haven't been getting much done. By the way, I am redoing my kitchen area again {what's new?}. So, when it's finished I will post the pictures. There will be a lot of changes before the snow flies.
As far as finding a companion and partner, it's still on my mind, I figure if it happens it happens. I may do a post looking for her and see if it works. I know a gal who did one on her blog and it worked out good for her, so far. I have a few random photos, nothing special but, will do for the time being.
This pic was taken about 20 years ago in the mountains on the Alaska Peninsula. Yep, that's me in the middle
This was taken about 7 or 8 years ago on Lake Clark. Taking some gals for a ride. Sometimes, I think I was born with white hair,LOL
A couple of cloud photos, I love clouds. Each one is very unique.
I'm back to cooking more and cooking from scratch. Trying my hand at real Chinese, it's not as pretty as in the restaurants but, tasty.
The temperature got kinda cool a couple of mornings ago which ended my garden.
You know it's Fall when you see this sight.
Bought this KeroSun heater at a garage sale for $20 and it works great this time of the year to take the morning chill and dampness off.
I forgot, one more dish, I made this concoction of fried potatoes, onions and Parmesan cheese.
Well, that pretty much covers the news for right now. Hopefully, I have put some brightness in your day as well as mine. Take care