I woke up Thursday morning to about +12 degrees, added some wood to the stove to take the chill off.
As you can see, it is a nice chilly morning
Before I could cut trees, I had to clean and sharpen my chainsaw. Here I am cleaning it
Now it is time to sharpen it. I am marking it so I will know where to stop.
As many of you know, I have a small refrigerator that I use inside the cabin. Not using the generator all the time, I keep it cold inside using ice. If you look in the top left corner, you will see a bread pan that I freeze water in to keep it cold.
I have 2 of these pans and freeze them outside during the Winter, in the Summer, I put both of them if the freezer above when running the generator. It stays fairly cold.
It usually stays 38 to 40 degrees, the temp. dropped with the door open. Believe it or not, it's still not enough room. I will buy a bigger one when I can afford it.
I did raise the fridge to make access easier, I'm getting too old to keep bending over, LOL
Eventually, I will add shelving below it. I decided I needed a good hearty lunch when I am done cutting so, I decided on soup. I gathered all the ingredients using canned stuff.
That's right, canned beef. A friend gave me a bunch of cans. Although, I did decide against using it because, by the time I got to use it, the soup smelled so good I didn't need it. There was some fresh ingredients
Chopping celery
Peeling an onion, no tears cause I'm tough
Breaking up spaghetti for the soup
Boiling the celery, onions and spaghetti, it smelled good enough to eat by itself. You can almost smell it looking at it
Opening the diced tomatoes with my new opener.This one is really cool, doesn't leave sharp edges like my old one.
Anyway, after adding all the ingredients and simmering while I cut wood, it turned out delicious.
Out cutting wood
Afterwards, came in for that hearty soup, without the meat. Cut me a couple hunks of Everything Bread to dip.
Sitting in my recliner having soup and watching Days of our lives, LOL.
This was the high for that day and Sunset
I know it's somewhat boring but, it helps me with my getting over cabin fever. Take care