I have been asked on numerous occasions, how and where do I get my food and supplies. I decided it would be a good subject matter for a post.
Without going into depth because, I like to keep personals matters my own, growing up, we lived off the land as much as possible. As I grew older, I have tried to keep that part of life alive. I have lived a back to basic lifestyle as much as possible. Up until I bought this town property, most of my foods were either grown,hunted, fished or gathered. For obvious reasons, many things needed to be purchased, flour, salt, pepper, coffee, tea and so on.
For many of the things that I purchased, I would call someone in the office of a local Air Taxi service that serviced my area to shop for me and then bring out to me. It wasn't cheap but, was less expensive than me paying a round trip ticket, transportation to the stores and of course my time, which is very valuable to me.
If there was something I needed furniture wise or otherwise, I would build out of natural material or whatever was available. Many of the things I have talked about, were before digital cameras came about and had no idea that I would Blog about myself and my life. So, you will just have to use your imagination.
Since I bought my town cabin, I have pretty much lived like a Concrete Alaskan, which will change next Spring. I'm not trying to say anything bad about people who live on the road system, it's just not me. My town cabin is about 40 miles from Wasilla but, I prefer to travel 15 miles to a smaller grocery store to shop. More expensive but, easier.
Something else but, a different subject. Last night, I was sitting around and kinda got bored so, I decided to watch a movie, a Christmas movie with Dolly Parton, I forgot the name of the movie {old age, I guess},LOL. As I watched it, my mind got to wondering about this coming Christmas and I started looking around the cabin and seeing how I will display ornaments and decorations and the tree then, I started planning for my remote cabin as well. It really made me feel good and no matter what, winter is my most favorite time of the year as is Thanksgiving and Christmas and I can't wait. Hopefully this year, I will have someone special to spend it with. So, I hope I have answered some of the questions and gave you some more insight about me. As time goes on, I will make more posts such as this one.