These are the before pictures of the out house. When I am done fixing it up, I will post new pictures. The temps. here have been in the -20's to -35 just about every day and night. It just recently got up to -8.
I have been giving everything going on with me some thought. I just don't care to be on the road system for even a little time. I have decided to head up to my Skwentna property and spend some time there. I really need some alone remote time. I am shooting for around the middle of Dec. I also got a request from a friend who has a remote cabin west of me to come stay with he and his wife and help him finish a cabin he is building and am entertaining that thought. It would be nice to spend some quality time with other Bushdwellers.
I am thinking about renting out the Willow cabin and then possibly selling it. I may try to sell it outright or carry the paper which wouldgive me steady income. I have an attorney friend that will help me set it up.
I am so looking forward to getting up to Skwentna. It will be nice to be among Nature and not have so many people around. I will be alone this Thanksgiving for the first time in a long time. When at the lodge, I had a couple that would come out for smoke turkey and all the fixins. So this year, I will pack the backpack, grab my rifle and snowshoes and head into the woods for the day. I wish everyone a very