Hi everyone, I know it's been awhile and everyone is curious about what's going on. Well here goes, anyone who lives a bush life are known for one of many things and that is, being unpredictable and I am one of them. As many who live off the road system knows, when you go to town to shop or whatever, you either stay in hotels or with friends. My friends on the road system are far and few between. The friends I do have welcome me to stay but, I prefer to not. I like being by myself and am more comfortable than being under someone elses roof. So, that being said, I bought a piece of property up Talkeetna way and really don't want to be specific to it's whereabouts. I am presently building a small cabin there and this way, I have my own place to stay when I go to town. It's a 1/2 acre lot and I am building a 12x16 cabin on it. There is a small boat launch for the Big Su and a 2300ft.airstrip right around the corner. It is very private. I will be heading back to the Homestead in a week and a half. Here are a few pictures.
Front of property

Clearing the property


Clearing finished

Driveway graveled in

My temporary home

Walkway to cabin site

Cabin site
Well, that's as far as I have gotten so far. Just me and my chainsaw and I can't tell you how many times I had to sharpen the chain or get a new one. I am collecting a lot of firewood. Now, because of my thriftyness and patience, I have gotten most of my materials free [gotta love craigslist],LOL. Even though this property is on the "road system" it is very private. Am I doing the right thing? I don't know but, hey, I can always sell it for good money. I paid $3500 for the property and I will have about $1500 in expenses in it. It took me quite awhile to find a place to get on my computer. I will say one thing for sure, can't wait to get off the road system.
I just want to reassure everyone that I am not abandoning "THE BUSH LIFE". I will try to keep everyone in formed a little more often. Take care.