Thursday, February 6, 2020

My Absence

Hi everyone, I want to apologize for not posting lately but, I having some severe depression going on, the medication I have been taking for my nightmares brought on by PTSD had stopped working and I started having the nightmares again at which point, I was hospitalized for a couple of days. I won't go into specifics, I hope you all understand. I am at home now recuperating and off the meds for a bit and will be using some programs suggested by my 2 therapists. I will try to keep you all informed as much as I can. I may do a couple of small posts as part of my therapy. Please hang in there. Thank you all.


C said...

Hi John......
Glad you are back! Please take all the time you need to recoup.....concentrate on yourself....we will be here.

CottonLady said...

John, we will still be here, take the time you need. My prayers for the right kind of medicine and therapy for you. I understand a bit as my late first husband had PTSD. Take care of yourself.

Prayers and Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hey John
Sorry to hear you been a little down. You have my ph nr, and you know where I live if you ever want to just talk.
It's pretty easy to get to feeling a little down this time of year, the weird wx patterns, the crazy temps...
My Son, Grandson and I are going to go to the cabin tomorrow. We've been trying to get out there all winter but life kept getting in the way. Hoping the roof hasn't collapsed from all that snow we got earlier. Hang tuff man.

Old John

518nymammaof2 said...

Glad you are home and hopefully feeling a bit better. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends and family in these times. Sometimes just a phone call with the right person can make a big difference!

Debi said...

thinking of you and always wishing you well.

bigfoot said...

Hate to hear of your issues. We are many miles away, but thinking of you. Hoping for a swift and certain recovery to get you back on track.

Carol said...

Oh John I am so sorry to hear you have not been well. John I hope and pray that your new therapy works for you. Take all the time you need John. We all want you to feel better soon and like everyone said we will be here when you feel up to posting again. We will certainly be thinking and praying for you.
Take care
Carol(for veggies and chickens blog)

Anonymous said...

Sending you my prayers and positive thoughts to you John.


Art said...

Get outside and work on your shop and splitting firewood. The more tired you are the better you will sleep. Have you had any moose walking through your place? Treat it day by day and set simple goals to keep busy.

Evano said...

Look after yourself.
Your posts are definitely worth waiting for!

We all got through these things from time to time, hang in there.

Today is a good day.

Anonymous said...

Hiya John life gives us unexpected blows sometimes , I’m praying for you & hope your feeling better soon. As everyone said we’re all here when your up to reaching out..... take care Bert From Bama

Washkeeton said...

Been thinking about you today... Totally understand. You have my number as well. We went out your way to clean off the cabin roof. Found the second destructive little critter inside my cabin (Squirrel)... Son thinks there is one more. Anyway. I have been working on starting my own business and son starts his first Job Tuesday. Things are going to change here in many ways. Anyway, holler if you need something.


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