Friday, April 20, 2012

Some ramdon photos

The one thing I am terrible about is, dating photos but, they are taken from my town cabin. soon, I hope to spread out and take other photos.
Rabbit soup using some free couscous I got.

This was the temp. for yesterday

More rabbits, birds squirrels

He blinked

Mooseburger to order

Can't forget breakfast, sourdough pancakes, homemade.

Almost forgot the squirrel

I bought this solar powered lamp last winter for $5 and it never worked until this spring. It comes on around 7 or 8pm and stays on until about 11pm. Winter is  the time I need it more, go figure. I took this during daylight.

This is how it works at night.

I built a temporary counter as I was running out of room. It's on the left for those of you who are new.

I also figured it was about time to have salt and pepper shakers so, I took some old medicine containers and took the clear plastic out of the tops, drilled some holes and you have shakers.

I made some progress on the outhouse, handles and of course the moon. The lock is temporary.

Spring clouds

That is enough pictures for now, I don't want to spoil all of you too much. Enjoy


Unknown said...

Great pictures as usual. Good the weather is getting better. I need to get my butt in gear and buy property up there I hate TN. lol

Bushrat John said...

Thanks unknown, I don't blame you.

Anonymous said...

Hey John,

Not sure what type of system you have but here's a very low wattage 12volt led that puts out about 440 lumens. I have it in a bugout bag for emergencies.

I know the light there runs about 1.5 hours or so I'm told when calculating for solar panels so I'm sure you can do the math for your needs.

They have some with remote controls as well so you wouldn't even have to get up to turn the light off. lol


Bushrat John said...

Thanks R, I'll take a look at it.

Sleddog said...

John, I for one check in occasionally when I check Off Grid. Noticed your "camper" stove. One of our early campers had the same thing, no glass doors in campers since. You mentioned Skwentna and wonder if you knew the Delias? I spent several years there for Iditarod checkpoint. Joe and Norma are now retired into Anchortown. Hope my name shows up, not sure which block to check.

Bushrat John said...

Hi Sleddog, I know them but, not very well. I knew Joe was retiring and didn't know if he had already. So, what are you up to these days?